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THURSDAY December 24th-

Last night me and Eli went out to eat and watched the sunset on the beach, It was peaceful. It was currently 7:30am and I was sitting on the porch.

Eli laid on the bed sleeping, like always. I was scrolling through Instagram. I just sat and looked out at the view.

After about 20 minutes I put my earbuds in and was listening to music. My phone buzzed. -Eli-

E- babyyy come cuddle meee.
H- why couldn't you just call my name?
E- I did 5 times and you still didn't answer.

I laughed and took my earbuds out to see Eli sprawled across the bed. I got up and walked over to the edge of the bed, "Finally" he said I jumped onto the bed and he almost immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked and he hummed while thinking of a answer. "I don't know what are my options?" He asked and I shrugged, "let me look" I said sitting up and pulled up google on my phone.

Things to do in bora bora...

"We can go snorkeling, go on a whale watch, hike to a waterfall, Just relax at the beach, it's up to you" I said and he looked around for a minute.

"Let's go hiking" he said and I nodded. I quickly got into the shower and then got dressed Eli did the same. It was now about 9:30, we ate breakfast and while I was eating I looked for hiking.

"I found a good trail" I said, "it leads to a waterfall and the trail is paved" I said and he laughed. "That's not really hiking then is it?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"That's still hiking" I said and he nodded. "Ok then, let's go" he said and I nodded. We ordered a 'Uber' but it was just a golf cart.

They drove us to the trail and when we arrived there were some people but not a lot. We got off and payed the driver and he drove away.

We started hiking, "so have you talked to Miguel sense yesterday?" I asked and he shook his head no, "what did he say when you told him?" I asked, he started to smile. "He said he wasn't surprised."

I laughed and grabbed Eli's hand. Today he had his hair in his amazing mohawk. Thankfully not many stares were given to him. "Yeah sensei messaged me wanting to meet at the dojo and then I said I couldn't and bailed." I said and he nodded.

"Have you messaged your parents at all?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah I've gotten a couple pictures of the mountains and ski lifts, it looked nice there" I said and he nodded.

"How about you?" I asked, "yeah I've talked to my mom, she's kinda been blowing up my phone but I try to answer some of them." He said and I nodded. Just then his phone buzzed. "Speak of the devil" he said and I giggled.


We were about half way up the trail now and I could start to see the river that must flow from the waterfall. I Looked down to see kids swimming and laughing. I wish my childhood was like that.

I smiled at the kids and started thinking about mine, my mom always drinking and my dad always sad, I was thankfully for soccer and karate. God knows where I'd be without it.

I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to see someone familiar, my old friend from Texas Gwen. "Harper?" She called I smiled, "hey Gwen!" I smiled and quickly turned around to hug her.

I saw a guy who must've been her boyfriend, "is your parents here?" She asked and I shook my head no. "Oh my- is this your boyfriend?" She whispered,

I giggled and nodded, Eli walked over and wrapped his arm around me, "Eli meet Gwen a friend from Texas" she smiled and waved and he awkwardly smiled.

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