15. (Part 2)

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That Xander kid did some flip when his name was called and took the mic, I rolled my eyes as he talked about works peace, And not being violent. He went on and on for what seems like forever,

After what seemed like an hour I decided to listen in, "please join me in a moment of silence, as we strive to end intolerance in our time," everyone out there head down. "Hey, kick that pansy bitch in the face" sensei said to Miguel, making me almost laugh. Miguel looked at him. "Yes sensei" he said

The announcer took the mic and "first up, stone vs Diaz!" He said and Miguel took the mat, and so did Xander. Dang I guess the break is before the finals.

I stepped off the mat and stood next to Eli. He was looking at moon. "Are you kidding me?" I asked and he looked at me. "She wanted me to tell you good luck" he said. "Don't lie to me, I'll dump your ass." I said and faced away from him, He looked at me with pure fear.

Miguel and Xander were fighting and it was going back and forth no one was getting a point. It was really close, until Miguel kicked him in the face sending him to the ground. "Hell yeah!!!" I shouted and Eli looked at me sad. "Harper did you mean that?" He asked. "I don't know, did you mean to be a shitty boyfriend?" I asked and he turned away, not satisfied with my answer.. I was so mad at him right now!

It was now 2-1 Miguel was winning, "offense!! Stay on offense!" Johnny yelled, they kept going back and forth again, Xander was going these cool moves to mess up Miguel. "Let's go Diaz!! Don't let him trick you." Johnny yelled.

Miguel did a spin kick right to his side, Xander fell and Miguel took the win, "YAHHHH!!" I yelled as Miguel for his hand raised. Xander shook Miguel's hand and Miguel walked over, I stood up on the mat now being up. I looked nervous and sensei could tell.

"Listen you are bad ass ok? Your the only girl in the finals? Do you now how sick that is? Don't let this kid get to you" he said and I nodded he gave me a high five and I stepped up on the mat. "You know what to do" he said and I nodded.

I was winning this match no matter what. I was gonna use my anger as energy and destroy Robby. "Next up FLYNN VS KEENE" the announcer said, "let's go baby!!" Hawk shouted I ignored him. "Let's go Harper! No mercy!" Miguel yelled.

"I'm not losing to a girl" Robby said annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not losing to an asshole" I said, what was he problem? He was my friend the other day?

We both faced the ref and bowed and faced each other and bowed, "fighting positions!" The ref yelled. "Ready? And fight" he yelled.

Robby tried to kick me in the face but I was to far back still so it didn't work, he tried kicking me and tripping me and I deflected them all, I quickly got my leg up kicking him back and punched his stomach in the same spot where I kicked him making him fall and earning a point,

The crowd cheered for me and I smiled, "one point, FLYNN!" We got back into positions and Robby looked at me angry. "Remember what you learned Robby!" Daniel yelled and Robby looked at Daniel and nodded. He took a deep breath and the ref said go, he wasn't paying attention so I took that to an advantage. "Oh shit" I heard Daniel say and I punched robby's face sending him to the ground.

"Point! Flynn 2-0!" The ref yelled. Robby got up quickly. "That's not happening again." He said pushing me. I fell and hit my head, "fucking asshole!" I yelled and the ref stepped into robby's face. "Do that again and your gone!" The ref said. I stood back up and fixed my Gi.

The match started and I kicked at Robby and he kicked my stomach making me fall. "Point! 2-1" the ref yelled. I couldn't do this anymore. My head was killing me and I couldn't think. "HARPER!" Johnny yelled. I turned to him. "Don't let this get to you! You can beat him!" He said and I nodded.

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