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She sat down on my couch and tried to calm down from crying. "Are you my father?" She asked crying. I nodded. "According to your mom, I was shocked too. But if your moms right then yeah I'm your biological dad" I said.

"But you need to know, I may have helped in making you but I'm not your dad, Evan is. You know that right? Yeah I'll be there for you but he's the guy who raised you to be who you are not me, just remember that." I said. she nodded. "Thanks for being the one to tell me." She said

She looked at me and hugged me. I hugged her back. Me and her talked it out for a while and I said she could stay here for a while if she wants.

She said she'd stay for a couple nights and bounce around to other peoples houses until she could find a permanent home.

Harper didn't deserve this, I was gonna talk to Evan. She was currently sleeping on my bed. "Hey I'll be back" I whispered and she nodded.

I walked out to my car and drove away heading to her house. I arrived and knocked on the door. Moments later Evan opened it up. "What the hell do you want." He asked.

"You know why I'm here." I said and he nodded. He pulled his door open to let me in. "Why'd you kick her out?" I asked walking in the door.

"I can't even look at her anymore. How would you feel if you looked at someone you knew and loved your whole life and you find out it's just a lie." He said.

"She's still your daughter. You raised her. Yeah she might be my DNA but she's your kid. You know that and I know that." I said.

He just looked at me. "I'm just her sensei. And your just her dad. Dad doesn't mean DNA it means love and you love her. You might be upset that Beverly lied to you.. but Harpers your kid. You can't abandon her, don't make the same mistake I did." I said.

He nodded. "Your right. But it's to late. She will never forgive me" he said, "she will. Just give her time to process and she'll forgive you." I said.

"She's your daughter man. You know that." He said. "I don't mean this in a heartless way, but she's not my daughter. I didn't raise her, I didn't support her and took care of her. I just taught her karate." I said.

"She's YOUR kid. Now figure out how to fix this and I'll bring her over when you got it" I said and he nodded.




Today was gonna be just great. I get to see Hawk, I get to pour concrete. oh, just the perfect day! Just kidding.


Me and Aisha and Bert made concrete in one bin while Miguel and Hawk were at another. "Sensei why are we mixing concrete?" Miguel asked. "No questions" he shouted. "Alright" Miguel said and kept mixing.

This was hell.. it was hot out and the concrete smelled horrible. And last thing I wanted to do was be around Hawk. "Keep stirring" Johnny yelled.

Johnny walked over to kreese and they were talking. Then I heard a horn beeping. What the hell.. a cement truck pulled in the parking lot.

A guy jumped out and walked over to Johnny. "Thanks cutter. I'll take it from here" Johnny said and the guy nodded as they shook hands.

He guy looked over and saw us stirring cement. "Hey, you didn't say nothing about no kids, Johnny." The guy said. I prayed we'd get out of this.

"Hey, you want your bar tab payed off or not?" Johnny asked. The guy sighed. Shitttttt!

"You get caught, you take the heat" he said putting the keys into Johnnys hands. He walked away. Everyone looked around worried.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now