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Me and Johnny have been training Miguel go get used to walking again, I've still been staying at the LaRusso's but I sneak out for "school" and come here to help,

I told Johnny it was fall break, which isn't a thing but I needed to be there for Miguel, I haven't been to cobra Kai sense Hawk almost killed brucks, I haven't even seen Hawk.. honestly I'm kinda scared too.

We started off by setting up a obstacle course for Miguel, he used his crutches and went around cones and baskets of laundry, he's also been lifting weights, well Johnnys keg.

We've gotten him to use his crutches on a balance beam almost thing, "I think I'm getting the hang of this" Miguel said as he held onto his crutches slowly moving,

"Oh yeah, think fast!" Johnny said and threw a huge ball at Miguel making him fall off, "are you ok?" I asked running over to him, he groaned and nodded, "I'm fine." He said getting up slowly.


We were back inside and Miguel was lifting the table with his legs, me and Johnny rested our legs on it for more weight,

Johnny read one of his magazines with his 'babes' in it and I scrolled through Instagram. After that we went back outside and did the balance thing again, this time Miguel was ready for the hall and caught it and dropped his crutches,

He smiled with amazement as he held the ball, "what are you waiting for keep going!" Johnny said with wide eyes, Miguel threw the ball back and walked through the rest of the balance thing with ease, when he finished he walked over to Johnny gave him a high five and hugged him, then came over and hugged me.

"This is Amazing!" I smiled as he hugged me, "thank you guys for all of it." Miguel said and me and Johnny both nodded,


Now that Miguel could walk perfectly, we decided to downsize, I grabbed one of Miguel's crutches and he had the other, and Johnny pushed his wheelchair.

It was almost like slow motion as we walked to the dumpster, once we arrived we all looked at each other and nodded,

Then we picked what we were holding up and but it in the dumpster, we looked at it and gave each other a fist bump, after that we walked inside, I didn't even realize till I looked at my phone school started in an hour,

I sat down next to Miguel, Johnny sAt down at his table and sat looking at his computer, "what about Johnny Lawrence karate?" Miguel said,

"Or strike hard karate?" I said and Miguel shrugged. Johnny still didn't say anything so we both walked over to see was he was looking at,

Ali still hadn't texted him back, "come one sensei, we're trying to think of names for our new dojo," Miguel said sitting next to Johnny,

"How long does it take for a Facebook message to deliver?" Johnny asked, "Ali's from Colorado, so if probably takes a while." He said and I laughed,

"It's instantaneous"Miguel said and Johnnys face looked shocked, he looked back at the computer and shut it, "ok, how about all American karate?" Miguel said,

"It's not good enough." Johnny said, "we need something that tells everyone we're the most badass dojo in the valley." Johnny added.

"Yeah, it sucks that cobra Kai is a badass name." Miguel said looking down, "what if we just keep that?" Johnny asked, "we spell cobra with a K, they can call us triple k." Johnny said again.

I kinda cringed at that, "like KKK?" Miguel asked, Johnny took a deep breath, "yeah that's probably a bad idea." Johnny said.

"All right, whatever. We'll figure it out. first, we need students." Johnny said, "it's my first day back at school today, I could do some recruiting." Miguel said, "yeah me too." I said and Johnny nodded.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now