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It's been eight days, I haven't gone to school and I've been staying with the silvers. I've been training non-stop all day long sense that night.

Me and mason were sitting in the sauna right now, "are you planning on going to school?" He asked leaning back

I sighed, "I don't know, I don't really wanna face my friends." I said. "You need to own up to it. If they start anything the cobra's will have your back." He said.

I nodded. "Well sense it's Saturday, I suppose I could go back Monday." I said and he smiled. "Perfect." He said and I leaned back as the steam moved around the room.

"You two ready for another session?" Terry said walking in. I sighed and nodded. "Good, be ready in twenty minutes. I'll see you in the main room." He said and I nodded.

I quickly got up and walked to the room I was staying in and changed into a gi. I walked out into the room and saw mason and terry talking.

"Ok. Now that your both here I wanna teach you this move." He said. I nodded and looked at mason.

He looked upset, "after you teach us this, can me and mason go out?" I asked, mason smiled at me and terry looked at him and then me.

"Sure? Why not." He said and I nodded smiling. We spent about two hours on this kick. It was super hard and challenging and I didn't like it.

If I did it correctly it could do some serious damage. "Ok Harper, try it on me." Terry said.

I looked at him and shook my head, "why? Afraid you'll hurt me?" He teased. I rolled my eyes, "no, I just don't wanna do it wrong." I said.

He nodded and slowly walked me through it again step by step, it really helped but I was still a little worried. I sighed and did the kick executing it perfectly.

"Brilliant!" He shouted excitedly! "That's the kick that will lead you to the championship of the all valley!" He smiled. I did too, "Harper your brilliant I tell you! Brilliant!" He cheered for me.

"Alright you two, you've had enough now go enjoy yourselves!" He said and I nodded. Me and mason walked to our rooms and changed into comfy clothes but nice enough for public.

We stood next to masons car about to get in when Terry walked out to an old blue truck. "Where are you going in that thing?" Mason asked.

Terry smirked, "to talk business," he said and mason nodded before getting into his car, "we'll have fun." I said and he smirked again, "oh I will." He said and drove away.

Shortly after we drove away too heading to the mall to shop.



Terry pulled into the miyagi-do driveway. He could see the students in the back as the back gate was opened.

He took and deep breath and waltzed in. "Danny boy!" He cheered, Daniel stopped teaching and the class stared, "why hasn't Harper been in school?" Daniel asked.

"Well she's been training, with the tournament in a couple months she must be ready." Terry teased, Eli stepped forward.

"Now I wouldn't try anything spikey." Terry said tapping on Eli's mohawk. Daniel nodded and Eli stepped back.

"If Harper isn't in school monday I will call the police." Daniel said. "Like I said she's been training!" Terry said.

"Bullshit!" Johnny spoke up. "Now you have no room to talk. You betrayed cobra Kai, to learn that slopes way of karate." Terry spat.

Daniel stepped forward angry, "don't you dare talk about mr. miyagi like that!" Daniel shouted. Terry put his hands up in defeat.

"Sorry, sorry, may he Rest In Peace, just like this dojo in 4 months" he said. "What makes you so sure Harper will win?" Miguel spoke up.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now