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I Quickly got up for school and threw on a white t-shirt and black jeans and my red leather jacket. I saw the cobra Kai patch on the front and sighed.

I took a deep breath and ripped it off, thankfully there was no damage done to the coat and I set the patch on my dresser.

I walked down to Sam who gave me a cheerful smile. "Someone's here for you." She said and pointed to the door,

I looked out the window and saw Kyler. "Oh god!" I said and ducked down. "Harper, go! He's giving you a ride to school." She said and I sighed,

"Ok.." I said and grabbed my bag and walked out the door, "good morning, beautiful." He said, for the first time in a while my cheeks turned to an all to familiar pink shade.

"Good morning kyler." I said and he walked to his jeep and opened the door for me, "thanks." I said and got in.

He walked around to the other side of the car and got in and started driving to school. "How was your morning?" He asked.

"It was good, pretty boring." I replied and he nodded. "What about you?" I asked and he looked at me. "Good, now that I'm with you." He said making me blush again.

Could I like him? No.. it's gotta be my brain messing with me right? I didn't even know anymore.. but it didn't matter.. I was happy.

"You know.. I was always rude to you cause I never really understood how to treat girls.. but I really like you Harper. So I'm willing to change a little bit for you." He said and I laughed. "Only a little bit?" I said sarcastically.

He looked at me and laughed too. "Well, maybe I'll change more if I get a chance with you." He said.

"Yeah?" I said and he nodded. "Yeah." He replied. "Here's your chance." I said and leaned forward into him and kissed him.

He kissed back, by no means he was a great kisser.. he was sloppy and used a lot of tongue. But in the moment I didn't mind that much.


We pulled up to the school and he quickly got out walking around to help me out of his jeep..

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the school, thankfully to my surprise no one really cared.. I used to do this thing where I'd look around for hawk.. until today..

I didn't even care anymore.. I just looked into kylers eyes and focused on him as we walked to class.


It was now lunch time, me and Kyler walked to the lunch room and I saw Demetri. He gasped at the sight of me and him. "I'll be back" I said and he nodded

"Please don't hate me.. I'm just giving him a chance." I said running up to him. "I could never hate you, Harper. But Eli probably will.. Kyler tormented him for years.." he said and I sighed.

"I need to forget hawk, he's not Eli anymore.. you of all people should know that." I said and he went to talk when a yell broke the noise of the cafeteria.

"YOU KISSED HER!" A familiar voice shouted, me and Demetri turned to see hawk walk up to kyler.

Hawk was about a foot away from him, "why did you kiss her!" He yelled making a fist. "Cause, man! She's not yours anymore! You can't call dibs? That's not how it works! You had your chance.. and I sure as hell won't make the same mistakes you did." Kyler said.

I walked over and stood between the two boys. "Stop!" I said putting a hand on both of there chest, to keep them spread apart.

Kyler looked at me and grabbed me, "babe. I got this." He said and I stepped back, I didn't like that he called me babe but I'm not gonna call him out.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now