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MONDAY- three days after the dance-

This morning I quickly got dressed (in the outfit above) and decided to ride my bike to school. Because my dad had a early morning meeting. As I drove to school I looked up at a billboard and saw a red spray painted dick on Daniels board. I died laughing and took a pic, posting on my story. "LaRusso's blows the competition away😉"

Within minutes sam slid up on my story. Saying to take it down. And I didn't, of course.

I walked into school to see Aisha and Sam, she walked away and I walked up to Aisha, "are you ok?" I asked and she looked at me. "No it sucks being the laughing stalk of the school" she frowned. " I'm so sorry Aisha." I said and she nodded. "Thanks, I'm just glad your different then those girls.." she said and walked into her class.

I walked into the library to see my boys!!! Miguel looked horrible. "Damn they really beat you up." I said and he looked up smiling, "hey Harper!" He said and the other two smiled, I sat down and demetri started talking.

"So that's it? no more karate?"he asked I frowned afraid of the answer. "I guess so" Miguel said not happy. "It's probably for the best..it was starting to boost your confidence" demetri said.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked. Demetri looked at me then Miguel, "no! What had confidence ever gotten anyone except for a black eye and there backpack thrown in the trash."

"Well I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to kyler." Eli said and I nodded agreeing with him.

"ARE You insane?" Demetri almost shouted "let me ask you? What is the best super power anyone could have?" Demetri asked.

"Super strength" me and Miguel said in sync, "WRONG!" Demetri said pointing his pen at Miguel. "Invisibility" he said making me slap my forehead.

"A distance second would be super speed to run away fast" I laughed and then a familiar voice joined in. "Run away from who?" Kyler said. We all groaned at him and his friends presence.

"Whom" his fat buddy said. "It's the object of a preposition remember?? English class?" He said adding to the conversation. I laughed at this idiot, all the boys sat up "we were just leaving." Miguel said.

"Hey, where are you going? Oh, look at this freak." He said grabbing Eli. I jolted forward. Grabbing Eli. And pushing back kyler. "Leave him alone asshole!" I said then pushed me, and they grabbed him again. "Oooh look at this? What girl would ever kiss this shit?!" He said I looked at eli, and then at Miguel.

"Leave him alone kyler" Miguel said and I nodded. They let go of Eli and he walked over to me. "Whatd you say?" He said coming over to Miguel.

Fuck this. "You haven't had enough rhea." He said pushing Miguel. "Huh?" He said again. He pushed the boys away, and threw Demetris bag in the garbage covering it in his previously eaten yogurt.

"Fuck you asshole!" I said slapping kyler and walked out. He looked stunned and his friends did too. I quickly turned around. "Lay a hand on them again? I'll fucking kill you" I spat at him. And walked out. Following the boys.

I got home that evening and decided to call up Eli, I hit his name and the phone started ringing. "Hi" he said quietly. "I just called to see if your ok? After the whole library thing?" I asked I heard him take a deep breath. "Yeah I'm ok. Thanks for asking" he said and I replied. "Yeah of course I'll go now! Have a good night" I said and hung up.

8:30 pm-

My phone buzzed to see SAM-

S- hey I know I'm the last person you wanna talk to, but I needed someone to talk to.. me and kyler broke up.
H- damn. I'm sorry. U alright?
S- I guess. I just hate I lost my two best friends..
H-yeah. Maybe apologizing is a start?
S- yeah I guess your right..hopefully moon and yasmine will forgive me.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now