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NO ONES POV- (sunday)

Mason watched as his father and Harper spared in the main room. She was getting stronger and more aggressive.

He never wanted Harper to be about of cobra Kai, it was bad news but he had no choice, but harpers evolvement was going to far and he needed help to get her to change her ways.

"Hey, I have an appointment I have to go to. I'll be back." Mason said and they both turned and nodded.

He got into his black sports car and started driving to miyagi-do, he knew it would be a struggle to get them to hear him out, but they were all concerned for her, so he stood a chance on them listening to him.

He pulled in and watched as the students stood in the driveway doing some drill. He got out and caught all there attention.

Miguel and Eli stepped forward aggressively. "What the hell are you doing here!" Eli spat. "Look, hear me out ok?" He said.

Daniel noticed masons face consumed with worry, "what?" Daniel asked. "Harper, she's crossed a line. And I need your guys help to pull her back." He said.

"I didn't realize until this morning, but my dad is brainwashing her into a violent person." I said. "I don't know if you all know this but, Harper almost killed Tory, she held a sword to her neck in a match. And that kid who broke her arm? Well, she used her black belt and choked him out until he almost passed out." Mason said.

"Now, I've known Harper for a little bit and that's not normal for her, she's a nice caring person and isn't like that." He added.

Daniel scratched the back of his head "yeah we didn't know that." He said, "what do you say? Help me get her back?" Mason asked.

"How are we supposed to trust you? Your terry silvers son? Not to mention your kinda scary." Demetri spoke up.

Eli looked at Demetri and rolled his eyes, "guys, honestly I just want what's best for Harper" mason stated.

Sam and Miguel nodded and so did Johnny, Demetri and Daniel and Eli still were suspicious. "What can I do to earn your trust?" Mason asked.

"Make sure Harper is at school tomorrow we will take care of the rest." Daniel said, "if she's in school, you earned our trust, you can come here once a week. And we will plan things out" Johnny said.

Mason nodded and walked away to his car, "she'll be there." He said.


The first bell ended and Harper walked out of the classroom, mason and eli met up after class. "Did it work?" Eli asked, mason shrugged.

"Your part worked she was upset I could tell." Mason said, Eli nodded. "You added the mom part right?" Mason asked and Eli nodded.

"Good, good. Now it's time for phase two." Mason said, "what's phase two?" Eli said, "now it's up to sam and Miguel, her best friends." Mason replied.

"Then there is phase three, hopefully the most impactful one, Johnny and Daniel." Mason said.

"And if that still doesn't convince her to leave cobra Kai. I'll have to pull out the big guns." Mason said confidently. "What's the big guns?" Eli asked,

"I have this friend who's amazing at photoshop, and well he can make a video of her mom, so that's what I'm gonna do if we can't convince her." Mason said and Eli nodded.

The two boys kept walking down the hall till they saw Sam and Miguel. "Ok we all know the plan right?" Mason said. And they all nodded.

"Hey guys" Harper said, they all faced and saw her and turned around and kept talking about different things. "What are you guys talking about?" Harper asked,

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