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I laid on the couch, I was at Johnnys apartment alone till Tomorrow. His best friend was sick and dying so Johnny went to see him, To get there last hoorah.

I looked around and noticed there wasn't much to eat. I decided to go to the store and stock up. Now you may be asking how I even have money,

Well I kinda have a job, I get paid to do surveys online and it makes good money. I just click random shit and get 100 dollars, so I am not complaining.

Anyways, I grabbed some of my money and my phone and walked out to the car. After about 5 minutes I arrived to the mini mart by the dojo.

I walked in and saw Hawk. I immediately looked away and did all I could to avoid him. I walked to the fridges and grabbed frozen burgers.

I grabbed a couple bags of chips and a box of soda and went to walk up front when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I sighed and turned to see him, "can I help you?" I asked. I looked at his eyes. They were puffy and he was walking sluggish, He was drunk. "Great you went out and got drunk" I scoffed.

"Did you mean what you said in the dojo." He slurred. I looked away from his face. Down to his arm that still had the bracelet I had gotten him.

"Does it matter?" I said and he looked at me. "Yes" he said. "Some parts yes some parts no." I said and he nodded I started to walk to the cashier when he pulled on me.

"Can we go somewhere to talk?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "no." I said and he frowned. I started to pay but he still was behind me, so I hurried.

When I finished paying I turned I looked at his neck. It had a hickey on it. And not from me. I walked out of the mini mart and he followed me.

"I'm glad to see you moved on" I laughed pointing to his neck. "I didn't move on, I'm upset and hurting." He said.

. "I gotta go Hawk. You have a good night I'll see you at the dojo tomorrow." I said and I looked at him to see a tear rolled down his face.

I decided to speak again. "You know.. All this could've been avoided if you weren't such a bully. Right now we could be at the beach watching that gorgeous sunset. But instead I have to go home and cook myself dinner and your at the mini mart drunk." I said coldly.

"I just don't get you anymore.." I said getting choked up on my tears "Harper. You don't get it.." He said. "Oh I do perfectly.. you of all people should know not to bully.. you were bullied your whole life, and now you are the bully.." I said.

"Honestly..I loved you more when you weren't popular.. we had so much in common and you were yourself.. but now? Your a completely different person.. which I didn't mind at first because you were still Eli at heart..but now I don't even recognize you." I said with tears rushing down my face.

"You made me believe in love Eli, but you also made me remember what falling out of love is.." I said and his eyes widen. "You don't love me anymore?" He asked choking back his tears now.

"I-I gotta go.." I said and I walked to my car and got in, driving away..



Today was a good day, Johnny will be back tomorrow. Of course I'm excited. Tomorrow we're going to coyote creek. But right now I was staying after to get some training in with kreese.

"Thank you for staying." He said. I looked around to see no one else. "Why am I the only one here?" I asked. "I want you to join my army Harper.. you have so much... potential and I'd hate to see it wasted over these stupid lessons" he said and I looked at him.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now