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We were all standing in rows as Johnny demonstrated moves. "The back thrust kick works like this" he said, he got into fighting positions.

"You step, pivot.. throw a side kick." He said walking through the move slowly. "What if your opponent attacks you from behind?" Hawk asked.

"Excellent question. Sensei kreese, you wanna take this one?" Johnny asked him. "Certainly, sensei Lawrence" Kreese replied.

Johnny stepped off to the side next to Miguel. "You sure about this, sensei?" Miguel asked. "There's nothing to worry about." Johnny said reassuringly.

Kreese moved to the front of everyone. "The key to this move is making your enemy think your retreating. But just as they let their guard down, that's when you strike the hardest." He said and demonstrated the kick.


Hawk was going to the tattoo shop today. He asked me to go. I don't know why but I agreed. First he had is hair dyed red. I kinda dig the red.

Then he laid on the tattoo chair thing, and they changed the Hawk tattoo on his back so the Mohawk on it was red. He laid there as they did it and I played on my phone.

It was super boring but I had no where better to be, I guess. "There you go, brother" the tattoo said. "Thanks Rico" Hawk said getting up.

"See you soon, brother" Rico said. I looked up to see a small tattoo on his chest it was Roman numerals but it was my birthday.

"Do You like it?" He asked. I nodded. "It's sweet thank you." I smiled and he nodded leaning forward to kiss my forehead.

He wrapped his arm around me and called the two boys who came with us, we all walked out. We got into hawks car.

I got a message. I looked at my phone. Mom-

M- hey kiddo. We haven't chatted in a while. How are you?
H- things have been better
M- what's wrong?
H- Evan kicked me out. Cause Johnnys my real dad, thanks for not telling me.
M- hun, I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you.
H- oh don't act like you care about me. You do anything possible to ruin my life. You can't be here to do it so you figure out a way to do it from afar.
M- Harper listen to me. I was protecting you.
H- right, where'd that get me? Having to bounce around houses.
M- I'm sorry.. I'll just leave you alone, if that's what you want.
H- that's all I ever wanted but you just wouldn't let me be. I hate you. Don't you get that?
M- you don't mean that..
H- yes I do. You broke our family when you'd drink. And you came back to finish it when you told Evan that Johnny was my real dad. You left it Alone for 16 years why did you bring it up now???
M- I..I'm sorry Harper.
H- don't talk to me ever again. Bye Beverly.

I blocked her number and took a deep breath, step one to happiness get rid of toxic people. "You ok baby?" Hawk asked, I nodded. "I'm fine." I said looking out the window.




We all sat down as kreese and Johnny demonstrated fighting. They were tied up right now. "Your a little rusty" sensei johnny said. Johnny threw a punch and kreese put him in a choke hold.

I've heard the stories so seeing this scared me. I didn't trust kreese, neither did Miguel. "Ok pay attention" Johnny said.

"He's got my neck, I've got his elbow. If I try to break out.." he added. "I dig in and put him to sleep." Kreese said.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now