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"What the hell was that move back there!" He shouted. "It's something I learned!" I yelled back. "Yeah from who?!" He said back.

"Who taught you that exact kick!" I said and he looked at me. He sighed and spoke, "you could've killed that kid if you didn't do it right." He said. "But I did it right so it doesn't matter" I said.

"Except the kick now has a broken jaw." He said. "I didn't think you were this type of person." He added. My eyes widen, "I haven't changed." I said.

"Yeah you have, and I don't know if it's because you and Hawk broke up. But you both have been little assholes. So get back together or something, or be mature." He said.

I nodded, "you're right. I'm sorry." I said and he nodded. "It's ok. I'm not mad.. I just don't want you to end up like me, because I listened to kreese's rules and lessons" He said and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded walking to his room. By maturing I was gonna talk to Eli.

H- hey.
E- hey, are you ok?
H- I'm fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up and talk?
E- actually I would love too.
H- great. How about meet me at the dojo in a hour?
E- sounds good.

"Johnny!" I yelled. "Yeah?" He said walking out. "I'm gonna go to the dojo for extra training can I have the keys?" I said and he nodded, handing me them from his pocket.

"Be careful. And don't break anything." He said and I nodded. "I'll be careful" I laughed and walked out of the apartment.


I paced around the dojo and looked at all the trophies, I heard a car pull in and looked into a mirror. I quickly brushed my hair with my finger and fixed my shirt.

I was wearing black sweat pants and a white t-shirt, it was cute but nothing special. The door opened to Eli. He was wearing black joggers and a black hoodie.

"Hey." He said, I turned facing him. "Hey" I said. It was awkward silence for a minute until I spoke up. "I miss you.." I said

"I know it's only been a week, but I can't stand it. I hate that I have to hate you Eli." I said again. he looked at me trying to smile.

"I've been a mess without you harper." He said walking towards Me. He finally approached me and put his hands on either one of my cheeks.

I turned away so his hands were no longer touching my face "I want to be with you so badly Eli, but I can't." I said almost crying. I looked at his face and a tear rolled down his face.

Looking at him cry broke me. I turned away and broke down, I collapsed onto my knees and cried. He ran over kneeling down in front of me and wiped my tears.

Next thing I knew he was kissing me. I almost immediately kissed back. It wasn't a soft loving kiss, it was a messy needy kiss, we both needed each other and only at that moment we realized.

"I love you" he said breaking the kiss, I smiled through my tears. "I love you too Eli." I replied. "Can you promise me something if we are gonna get back together?" I asked

He looked at me waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Promise me you won't be a bully anymore.." I asked and he looked at me and placed his hand against my face.

"I promise." He said and I kissed him, making him smile. "Do you wanna stay the night at my house?" He asked. I nodded.

"I have to drop these keys off to Johnny and I'll come over." I said and he nodded. We closed up the dojo and right when I got to my car he said something.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now