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Me and Eli walked back to the inside of the gym, they switched out the huge multiple mats to one mat in the middle of the gym, people circled around or crowded into the bleachers.

The lighted dimmed and me and Eli walked over to Daniel and Johnny, "ok, you guys, these next to matches are very important. You can't lose." Johnny said.

We looked at each other worried, "ok, well technically only one of you can lose, so just try your best" he said correcting himself.

"Don't listen to him, just remember who you are, and how amazing you two are for getting into the semis. You both know what to do." Daniel said.

Me and Eli nodded and they both gave us a fist bump before I walked onto the mat.

I looked at Kyler as he smirked at me with a evil look in his eye. I felt a little afraid but I kept my cool.

I walked to the mat and stood lined up across from Kyler. The ref made us bow to each other. I bowed to him but he stood there looking at me.

The ref yelled for us to begin. He came at me kicking and punching and I blocked all of his shots. He kicked my side getting a point.

I looked over and saw Kreese and terry laughing making me feel sick to my stomach. I began to stand up when Kyler kicked my back making me fall back down.

I yelped out in pain and the ref pushed Kyler off of me, "so that again and your disqualified!" The ref said and Kyler rolled his eyes.

I stood back up I took a deep breath to keep my anger at bay, but it wasn't working very well. I tried so hard to stay calm and not get worked up over this asshole.

The match started back up and I launched myself at Kyler and roundhouse kicked his face.

He fell to the ground holding his nose as the blood trickled out of his left nostril.

"Go to your sensei!" The ref said and Kyler got up and walked over to terry.

Terry whispered into his ear and covered his mouth so I couldn't see, I walked over to Johnny and Daniel.

"Harper, this kid isn't gonna give it to you easily. You need to fight for it!" Johnny said.

I looked at him and nodded. "I can't win this." I frowned. Daniel put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me, "win or lose. You did your best. And that's all that matters." He said.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Thanks Daniel." I said and walked back out to the mat. As much as this match mattered I've lost sight of why I was here.

I came here to do my best and do what I can, win or lose I'm happy.

The ref called us back over and I stood there and Kyler slowly walked over, Pouncing around the mat, he smirked at me once more making me roll my eyes.

"1-1, ready begin!" The ref said and as usual the cobra Kai member tried striking first.

I blocked it as well as I could. I punched at him and he caught my arm. I cursed myself as his next moves were Crucial.

It was like the moment replayed in slow motion. His foot came up from the ground kicking the side of my head making me fall to the ground.

As I hit the ground something felt off, my head felt like it was going to explode from the pain. I laid on the ground looking at the beaming lights on the ceiling.

Sweat dripped down my face, I watched as the ref ran over and knelt down next to me, and soon Eli and Johnny did too.

I looked into the corner of my eye and saw a stretcher getting pulled in. I looked at Eli as he panicked. "Win." I muttered before getting put on the stretcher and pushed out.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now