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No one wants to move to a new school during the school year. I wasn't thrilled about moving back to west valley, but I was super happy to see Sam! We stayed kinda close throughout the time I was gone.

I was more excited to leave Texas, I hate it here everyone and there stupid southern accents I can't stand it! But I was starting to finally like it there of course!

But my dad got a really good job so I couldn't do that to him, I loved my dad. He was my world and I am thankful he's finally leaving my mom.

My mom is abusive and a drunk, we tried committing her to rehab but it never works. She just falls back into the habits. And I don't hate her for being a drunk. I hate her for the way she acts when drunk. She has cheated on my dad and beats me. And we've had the last straw.

Me and him were moving here, while she "gets help" she says. I don't believe her, she says she'll get better and doesn't. And my dad said this is her last chance, when she's better she'll come home, and if she gets drunk once he's filing for divorce and going to court for full Custody,

I don't know why he would do that for me, I'm not worth all the fight. I get into fights all the time and I'm always sad. I can't help it, I want to be happy, but I'm just not..

We arrived to our new house. It's a super nice house and had a pool we lived about 10 minutes from the LaRusso's, now my dad is a very good business man and makes a lot of money. So I don't wanna be a bitch. But he spoils me.

We arrived to the front of the house and it was white the front looked a lot different from the front let me tell you! The front had about 3 windows and a black door. The whole house was surrounded by a black fence that I wouldn't recommend climbing over.

I walked into the house and saw the back yard there was a huge pool, and a super nice lounge area. There were two slide glass doors, one out of the kitchen and one out of the living room.

The kitchen was all white except the appliances were stainless steel and the countertops were black granite with little white and gray chips in it.

The dinning room had a huge wooden table and wooden chairs with white cushion. The living room was gray with a black couch and 2 small dark gray chairs. And a huge tv!

The upstairs had a work out room, and 2 bedrooms. I walked into my room. It had a balcony right below the kitchen so you could see the pool. My room was white with a king sized bed! It had white sheets and a black comforter with a cool Mandala design.

There were pictures of me and my dad all over and one with me and my soccer team from Texas. I had a vanity and 3 dressers around the room. I also had a tv. And my bathroom was all white once again. With black counters like in the kitchen.

All of our stuff was already moved in except our clothes. So for the rest of the day we put our clothes away until around dinner time. "Hun?" My dad yelled and knocked on my door. "Come in!" I shouted and he did so. "Lookin good in here kiddo" he said and I smiled "thanks dad" I smiled.

"The LaRusso's invited us for dinner tonight you wanna go?" He asked and I nodded "yeah sure!" I smiled and he nodded walking out.

I decided to dress decent so I put on a pair of light blue jeans that had rips in them and a tight black shirt. I grabbed my converses and set them on the chair in the corner of my room and I decided to put some makeup on so I put some red lipstick on and some mascara.

I put my shoes on and walked downstairs to my dad getting ready. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded pulling my phone and ear buds out, we got into my dads car it's a 2017 red Ford Explorer.

I started playing Shawn Mendes newest album and after a couple minutes my dad turned on the radio to another one bites the dust by queen. I shut my music off and we both sang the song,

Me and my dad both loved old music, but I had to listen to newer stuff so I'd fit in. We kept singing until the song ended and we pulled up to the LaRusso household. We both got out and walked to the door of there house.

My dad knocked and I sat on my phone playing subway surfer, till it opened to Daniel and Amanda his wife. "Hey guys!"Daniel said hugging us both and soon after so did Amanda.

We sat down and I soon realized sam wasn't there. So I sat there with my earbuds in and scrolled through Instagram. I only followed two people from here, Sam and her friend Aisha.

Right when Amanda finished making dinner sam walked in. "Hey guys!" She smiled and then saw me and my dad. "OMG HARPER!!" She smiled and took off her boots and ran over to me.

"Hey" I said shyly as she hugged me. "I've missed you guys so much! I didn't know you were coming over" she smiled and I nodded as she walked over to hug my dad. "Where's your mom?" She asked and I cringed at the thought and so did my dad.

Daniel quickly changed the subject. "Dinners done!" He smiled and we all sat at the table and ate. Me and Sam were talking. "So I am talking to a guy" she said and I looked at her "and who is he?" I asked clearly not  knowing him.

"His name is kyler! I can introduce you to him sometime!" She asked and I nodded, "how's Aisha? I haven't seen her in your Instagram pics lately?" I asked and she kinda frowned,

"I don't hang out with her anymore." She said and I frowned. "What why?" I asked "well she's kinda a nerd and I'm kinda popular so we just don't fit together anymore." She said and I rolled my eyes. That's the girl Sam is now great.

"Anyways are you gonna need a ride to school tomorrow?" She asked and I looked at her. "No my dads gonna take me" I said she looked at me weird, "that's kinda weird isn't it?" She said and I looked at her confused.

Is this girl serious right now? "Uh no?" I responded and she shrugged it off. And kept eating, when I finished Sam and I went to her room. "Can I tell you a secret?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure" I said and she looked around making sure no one was around.

"Tonight me and my friends accidentally hit some losers car. It was so scary.. he was so mad.." She said and I looked at her shocked. "Wow.." I said and she nodded. I pulled out my phone and texted my dad.

H-dad, can we go please?
D- sure Harper. What's wrong?
H- I don't wanna be around sam. She's so different.
D- well it's been 3 years what do you expect?
H- it's not a good different.
D- oh. Well I'm sorry kiddo, I'm sure you'll make some friends at school tomorrow.
H-hopefully, can you call me down saying we're leaving?
D- sure kiddo.

I put down my phone and a couple minutes later I heard my dad, "Harper were leaving!" He said "coming!" I shouted. And quickly got up. "Bye Harper I'll see you tomorrow!" She said and I nodded walking out of her room.

Me and my dad walked out to the car, "dad shes bad now" I said and he looked at me, "cause your one to talk?" He asked almost laughing.. "no she's like a bitch. Her and her friends hit some guys car and she made fun of him" I said and he looked at me shocked. "Wow Thats shitty" he said and I nodded.

We drove home and I almost immediately got ready for bed as soon as we walked in. "Good night dad!" I shouted. "Good night kiddo!! Love you" he shouted back. "Love you more!" I shouted and went to bed. I plugged in my phone and within a couple minutes I was asleep.

Ok so how is it? I know it's not perfect but I have a lot in store for harper and next chapter eli/ Hawk will be in it! What do you think of Harper so far? I know I haven't gotten into depth about her past and stuff but it'll get better I promise!Thanks for reading!!

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