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Me and Hawk and Miguel decided to walk to the dojo together. "So Miguel you ready for tonight?" I asked and he nodded, "hell yeah" he smiled, "what's tonight?" Hawk asked "Miguel and sams date" I said and he nodded, and grabbed my hand, "you excited for our?" He asked, "yes I'm so ready!" I smiled. "What should I wear? I asked.

"Something comfy" he said and I nodded, we arrived to the dojo, the boys stripped down and changed while I made them turn around and I changed. After a little while we began stretching while sensei was on the phone.


"I need somewhere romantic, but like not too romantic" Miguel said making me and Aisha roll our eyes, "you can take her to get matching tattoos," Hawk said looking at me, I widened my eyes at the fact he was being serious.

Aisha looked at me and laughed, "what?" She said, "I know a guy, he just hooked me up with this bad boy" he said taking the top of his GI off to see a Hawk with a blue mohawk..

"Oh my-" I said, "oh shit" Miguel said, "that's badass" Aisha added. "Right? Fourteen hours in the chair" Hawk said winking at me, I turned red,

He looked in the mirror and flexed. I tried not to laugh at him, I ended up letting out a slight giggle and he didn't notice thankfully.

"Wait. Are your parents ok with that?" Aisha asked and that made hawks smile fade, "oh, they have no idea. Definitely gonna have to wear a t-shirt until college. Maybe longer" he said making me laugh.

"Please don't tell them" he said putting his shirt back on and sitting down. "Uh.. any other suggestions?" Miguel asked looking at Aisha and me.

"Don't look at me" Aisha said and I nodded. "I helped you ask her out, and that was hard enough to watch. Your so awkward" I said cringing at the memory.

"Sam and I used to be friends, not Anymore" she said looking at me, "ok, but I need your help" he said sounding desperate.

She sighed and looked down, "fine, um.. I know that she likes chocolates and astronomy." Aisha said, "I could work with that" Miguel said.

"BANNED?" Johnny shouted, "what are you talking about?" He said making me and Miguel jump up. "No, you don't ban me. I'll ban you!" He said hanging up the phone.

"Sensei whats going on?" Miguel asked and I nodded concerned, "there's a lifetime ban on cobra Kai from entering the tournament?" He said "what? That's bullshit!" I said and Miguel looked at me. "What how is that fair?" Miguel said, "it's not" Johnny said sitting down.

"There's nothing I can do about it" he said in defeat, "what happened to 'never accept defeat'? There is no 'no'?" Miguel said.

"That was girl advice, this is different, this is the real world. There are rules." Johnny said. "Since when do you care about the rules?" I asked, Miguel nodded in agreement.

"We don't take no for an answer, you said that! You gotta fight this" Miguel said. Johnny looked at him. "You know what? You guys are right" he said pointing at us,

He was now standing up walking to the door, "I'm gonna go down there-" he said, "yeah." Miguel said. "-and beat there asses" Johnny said confidently.

"no,no,no!" Miguel and I said, "what? No that's not what we meant," Miguel said, "sensei that's not what we meant!" I said.

"I'm saying, maybe there's a more delicate approach, sensei?" Miguel said and I nodded. "The way of the fist is not delicate" sensei said and I hit my head with my hand, "cobras are not delicate" he said again.

"Yes, yes, sorry. I Forget delicate. I'm just saying, maybe there's a smarter way to fight back?" Miguel said. He looked at us and walked out starting our session


Tonight me and Miguel were gonna talk to sensei before our dates, I told Eli, I mean Hawk to pick up at senseis apartment, I was wearing a white tank top with army green colored loose shorts I wore my black flip flops and wore a little bit of makeup and put my hair in lose curls.

Me and Miguel knocked on senseis door, while waiting for him to answer me and Miguel talked, "you look nice Harper" he said, "thanks Miguel, you look nice too" I smiled and he nodded,

Sensei didn't open the door, "hey sensei" Miguel said, "come in" he said and we did so, he was standing in front of a mirror he cleaned up nice, he wore a yellowish colored shirt and a brownish colored tux, he had gelled his hair back, "you nervous for your meeting?" I asked,

"I'm not nervous, I'm pissed off." He said still looking at himself in the mirror fixing his tie, "ok, well you have to be nice to these people" Miguel said And I nodded,

"So if you get pissed off what are you gonna do?" Miguel asked again, I was to afraid for the answer. He looked at us, "I don't know, I just usually punch the guy." Ye said dead serious.

"That's not gonna work, so how about this?" I say and he looks at me, "how about when someone makes you angry- you uh-" I paused thinking,

"You make a fist like your gonna punch them, but you don't punch them?" I said and Miguel nodded. He looked at us, "hold it in?" He said and I nodded "yeah hold it in" I said and Miguel nodded.

"I could try" he said walking passed us, "yeah" Miguel said. "Ooh briefcase? What's inside?" Miguel said impressed,

Sensei opened it and smiled "nothing!" He said enthusiastically. "Found it in the dumpster" he added, "it's a nice touch" I said, "thanks" he replied.

"What about you guys? Are you guys nervous for your dates?" He asked, "yeah, uh a little" Miguel said, "yeah me too" I said.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, All right? Just relax, be cool. When the times right, make your move" Johnny said giving us both confidence.

"Move? What move? I don't have a move. What's my move?" Miguel said panicking, "oh, come on, man. You gotta kiss the girl" Johnny said "I mean, yeah I'd like to, but I don't technically have to right?" Miguel said anxiously,

"No, that's true. You could just learn how to braid her hair, talk about all the other guys who had the balls To kiss her on a first date. "Shit!" Miguel said looking down,

"Your a cobra Kai! Strike first, strike hard. It's not just for karate, it's for everything alright? You too Flynn!" He said looking at me, "yes sensei" I said and he smiled at the two of us,

"Where are you taking this chick anyways?" Johnny said, "the observatory, little picnic on the lawn, chocolate tasting three ways and if the sky's clear, then we'll look at the stars." Miguel responded. Oh god, I laughed at him.

"The only part of that, that made any sense at all is 'three-way'" he said completely serious making me laugh. "Yeah Miguel that's kinda lame," I laughed.

"It'll be fun" Miguel said smiling, "all right look, if you wanna impress this chick, you gotta take her to where I used to take all my hot babes back in the day." He said

Me and Miguel looked at him waiting for an answer, "where's that?" Miguel said smirking, Johnny smirked too.


After are little talk we parted ways, Eli showed up in a white car, I'm guessing his mom's, I got in and he smiled, "you ready?" He asked and I nodded he had his hair down and flowy it was hot. I liked it like this. It went from black to a blue ombré. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded

 "You ready?" He asked and I nodded

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(Like that but just blue)

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