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It's the week of the all valley tournament.. I'm honestly super nervous and heard a lot of good things about cobra Kai and that's scaring me.

I prayed miyagi-do would win.. but it was gonna be a close call. Me and Robby talk occasionally but it's hard to see each other in person with the rivalry.

Not to mention I sold him out, but I'm grateful he talks to me, I guess him and Tory have a thing now. Good for him I guess.

Today after practice me and him are going out for lunch, no one else knows except Eli. He's covering for me, thank the gods for Eli.

Me and Eli got into the car and started driving to the dojo. "Are you sure you wanna see him?" Eli asked. I nodded and smiled, "yes. I'm ready too." I said.

"Harper, you haven't smoked in 2 weeks, I don't want you to fall into old habits because your with him." He said. I held his hand and looked at him as he drove.

"I'll be careful, ok?" I replied and he gave in my nodding. "Ok." He said and I turned back to facing the road.

After a silent car ride we pulled into the driveway of miyagi-do. I watched as kids circled around talking.

We both got out and Sam and Miguel walked over to us. "Hey what's up with all the small talk?" I asked.

Sam looked at me worried. "Terry silver is here." She said. My eyes widened and I felt myself getting nervous.

I started walking to the house where Daniel, Johnny and terry were talking. "Where are you going?" Eli asked. "Stay here." I said and kept walking


"How's she been?" Miguel asked. "The worst is almost done, she's starting to get better." I replied.

"What's the worst?" Sam asked. "She gets hot flashes and gets morning sickness not to mention she gets bad head aches." I said.

"Sounds like she's pregnant" Sam said laughing, Miguel laughed too and my facial expression dropped. "I'm kidding. She's on the pill right?" Sam said.

"I don't know I don't ask her that! We haven't had sex in a month." I replied quickly. Sam laughed, "she's not pregnant I'm kidding. It's her withdrawing." Sam said and I nodded.

"She'll be ok" Miguel said. "Yeah, a couple more weeks of this and she'll be perfect. She's already doing so much better, sense the first couple of days." I said.

A huge crashing sound came from inside and Harper came running out laughing. "FUCK YOU MR. SILVER!" She laughed.

She's been a little reckless lately, I hope she's ok. She walked over to us and smiled. "What happened?" Miguel asked.

"That asshole tried to challenge me against one of his fighters? I said wait till the tournament and he snapped. It was pretty funny." She said with a giggle.

"He was all tough like, 'you'll regret it!' And 'I'm gonna kill you argh' it was so pathetic." She said and I looked at her worried.

"Harper that's not funny? Remember last time?" I said reminding her. "Yeah, yeah. I can't spend my life being afraid of people. That won't get me anywhere." She said.

I sighed and we all watched as terry stormed out to the house, he walked over to us and stopped standing right in front of Harper. "You better watch your back, harper." He said and walked to his car.We all shrugged it off and went to the yard for practice.


We all walked to the yard and started stretching and warming up, I tried to keep my cool and act bad ass but I was terrified right now.

𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟//Hawk-Eli 🐍Where stories live. Discover now