Chapter 46

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When I entered, the classroom was a bit different. Suho had moved across the room into another desk rather than his usual next to mine. In place of him was a girl I had spoken to a few times, but had never really gotten to know.

Surprisingly, when I walked inside, the attention of my peers stayed on the same places as before, to the doodles on the side of my peer's notebooks, the ceiling, out the window, or even to the teacher who was getting ready for her lecture.

Thank goodness.

I was able to walk to my desk in the back without a single glance my way.

That is, except from one person. I wasn't even surprised it was Suho, though he didn't hold it for long.

Ironically, as the minutes ticked by, and the classes progressed, I wished for him closer by my side.

By the time I'd gotten to lunch, it just wasn't right. Nothing was right. Four people had given me their well wishes or asked a question about Jiho. I had walked away from them, holding my breath. It wasn't something I would normally do.

I didn't have room to worry about that. I continued through the day until lunch. The group sat outside, including Suho, Dae, Seojin, Niko, Haneul, and the others I hadn't gotten completely acquainted with yet.

Our little lunch group was back together, along with some new additions, but there was an underlying tension. Suho laughed, smiling and chatting along with the others. Daehyun watched on fondly, ready to share his own bits and pieces of stories or opinions.

Niko fit in perfectly, friends with everyone in the group even though they were the newest to join. They seemed to catch Suho's attention quickly, and for the most amount of moments in one time. They seemed like they had themself figured out pretty well. I couldn't get my eyes off their hair, which was a sky blue. It came up once as Suho and they were approaching the table that they were going to change it soon. I couldn't imagine any other color fitting them as well, but a pink was mentioned during the conversation, which seemed valid enough.

"Hey, guys, are you busy tomorrow?" Haneul asked as she pushed away her empty tray towards the stack at the side of the table, Kyung finishing the movement for her since he was the closest. "I heard about this market that's coming to town, my sister and I went last year. It's super cool and I'm planning on going again, you all can join in if you're free. We'd be heading over after school."

I thought about her offer. The boys wanted me to get out more with friends after staying cooped up inside for so long, and I knew I had nothing scheduled for tomorrow. I didn't really want to go, but I needed something new. Something different. If I had to come back to school, I could come back to friends.

At least, people I tried to call my friends.

"I'll ask my brothers when I get home, but I should be able to come." My words weren't recognized by anyone in the group, except maybe a twitch of Suho's head. I wasn't sure. I quite frankly didn't care.

Kyung shot off a quick text before nodding. "I can come,"

Various people from around our table nodded in agreement, vouching that they could join their group trip. Haneul was obviously pleased that she could have friends join her this year, her warm smile making me give her a small one back.

"Suho, do you think you can come?" She directed her attention towards the more subdued, as of late, table members. "I remember they had some art supplies, and some music too," she tried appealing to him.

"No." I couldn't remember when he had started speaking so softly, but he was rarely ever as loud as before Jiho. He was still there, bell and all, but he was withdrawn at school. "I've got some prior commitments, but I'll still have my phone. Text me if you find anything good, I'll pay you back if you end up getting anything for me."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now