Chapter 9

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"I just can't believe this is actually happening," I said after a moment of silence in the small closet. "An attack at a fanmeeting?"

"Yeah," Namjoon chuckled slightly, "who would have thought."

"Me too," Jungkook agreed. "No one is going to come to another fan meeting again."

"You're worried about that?" Namjoon asked.

"Someone died, Jungkook." Jin closed his eyes. "An ARMY died. I can't help but feel responsible."

"There is nothing we could have done," Jimin assured Jin.

I took a deep breath and the room seemed to go silent. "It'll be alright."

Namjoon smiled at me, "You're right, kid."

"I-I'm sorry if I worried you."

"No apologies tonight," he assured me.

"We love you princess," Tae added before giving me a finger heart. I smiled and gave one back.

Before another second could pass, we all jumped as an ear-splitting bang sounded through the room and the door trembled. All eyes were wide and faces went pale. I grabbed Jungkook's hand, and he hugged me closer.

Yoongi put a finger to his lips, signaling for us to be quiet. I couldn't even hear anyone's breathing. I lowered my eyebrows in a 'not again' look, but Jin nodded to me reassuringly.

Then, the doorknob moved and the door opened. I let out the heaviest sigh as soon as Sejin's face popped out.

"You look like a band of lost dogs," he said with a tiny grin as he surveyed the room of frightened people.

"Uncle!" I yelped, jumping out of Jungkook's arms to give him a hug.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I'm fine, now. You're okay? Is everyone okay? "

"Yeah, yeah, we're all clear." He pulled away and he looked behind me before frowning. "Jin, you alright?"

"Oh-" my breath hitched in my voice as I remembered what Jin had said earlier.

"Manager," Jin said, "I think someone was..." He looked to the floor without finishing his sentence.

"Sejin," I said, "did everyone make it out alive?"

"Oh," Sejin grinned, "Yeah, they did. I wouldn't be smiling if I had witnessed... that."

"But Jin said..." I looked behind myself to see Jin. He looked more confused, but slightly lighter. "He just thought he saw..." I closed my eyes.

"Nothing happened. The auditorium is all clear, we checked. The police actually arrived real quick."

"No one..."

"No! No one died."

"Manager, I saw-"

"Jin, I was talking to a fan who said they merely ducked and was missed. But no one was hurt, which is a miracle considering the circumstances."

"They were just... ducking?"

"I'm so sorry Jin, that must have worried you to death. You're alright, aren't you?"

"I think so, now," I said with a small chuckle. "There's no reason to worry, Jin. Or Hoseok," I mentioned, seeing how Hobi's face was still two shades too light to be healthy.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now