Chapter 13

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050420 (My 2-year becoming a BTS fan anniversary :D)

"How are you, sis?" Jungkook asked as Sejin pulled away.

"Alright." I gave him a hug, happy to feel like things were somewhat normal for the first time since the night before.

"Are you ready for another day of school, or are you exhausted?" he asked as we started towards the door. He grabbed my forearm, but I didn't shy away. There were too many people, no one would pay attention to us at the moment.

"I'm okay. Sejin's apartment is really nice."

"That's good to hear. I kind of missed you."

"I kind of missed you too, JK," I laughed.

As we climbed up the stairs and I stepped inside the school, a pair of smiling eyes met me with more joy than I expected. "Hey, Sujin. How did you sleep?"

Jungkook looked at me confused, as if he wasn't sure why this stranger would care about something so personal. I ignored his glance and gave Jiho a smile. "Great, actually. I'm excited for today."

"That's nice to hear. " He shoved a hand into his pocket, while the other bore the small leather book I had seen in his palm the other day. His hand was sweating around it as he nervously glanced at it. "So, are you heading to class?" He wiped his hand on his pants before switching the book to the other hand.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Why don't I walk you? Or is your brother taking that job?"

"Ah-" I looked to Jungkook, who shook his head.

"Go on, you can stay with your... friend." He let go of my arm before taking a step back into the moving swarm of students. "Come find me at lunch, sis. Have a good day."

"Sure," I said as he turned and left. "You too."

"Hey, uh, sorry for yesterday. I know my friends might have made you uncomfortable." He nervously massaged a hand over the back of his neck. "Well, uh, shall we go find you class?"

"Oh, it's alright. And, uh, I mean, don't you have to find yours as well?"

"No, no. I'm in no rush."

"Alright." We headed off, walking into the sea of students all traveling the same direction to the classroom hallways. I didn't know what to say to Jiho, so I kept quiet. A piercing silence stood between us as he walked generously close to me while we made our way through the halls. Once we got to my locker upstairs, I stopped. Jiho did too.

"Do you mind if I-" I pointed to my locker.

"Not at all. Like I said, I'm in no rush."

"Cool." I got into my locker as he leaned against the door next to mine.

"So Sujin," he said nonchalantly. "I'm only a grade above you, yet you're taking AP classes. Maybe we should study together sometime."

"Sure," I said as I grabbed the books I needed for English class.

"I was hoping, maybe even tonight? What if we grabbed something to eat before as well?"

"Uhm, I'd have to ask my uncle. Long story short, I'm staying with him at the moment."

"Does it have to do with your brothers being idols and all that?"

"Yep. Uh, I can ask him but I'm not sure what he'll say. Sorry."

"Then suggest we go to that Coffee shop you met me at. I work there some nights, so I could make something nice before we study."

"Do you actually have homework, though?" I shut my locker door with a creak. "I haven't been assigned anything."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now