Chapter 10

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When I looked up, I saw Suho talking to a group of people with a big smile on his face.

"You aren't nervous? Because I'm super scared," a girl whined, grabbing onto his arm. Her long, straight hair had highlights streaking down it. She was naturally beautiful. Standing next to Suho, she seemed to be on his level according to looks.

"No, and you shouldn't be either. I mean, look at this group, you already have friends to help you." Suho glanced in my direction before smiling and waving me over. "Sujin! Come meet them, they're in our year." I nodded with a smile and closed my notebook.

"Everyone, this is Sujin, I met her over the summer," Suho said when I made it over to the group.

"Hello," I greeted with a smile, "I hope we can all be friends."

"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" one of the girls squealed, "My name Jisong, it's nice to meet you Sujin."

After her, everyone else introduced themselves. They were all really nice about it, but Suho was giving me a feeling that I shouldn't trust them quite yet. Even he was smiling, and compared to the Suho I knew, he was trying to get them to like him.

"Alright guys, class starts in like, two minutes, so let's get to our seats. We can talk at lunch, yeah?" Suho suggested, making his way towards me.

"Sure, talk to ya then," one of the boys said, who I now knew was Taeil, before he and the rest of the group either went to their seats or out of the classroom.

"Alright," Suho walked with me to the back of the room, stopping in front of his desk. "Sujin, over the summer we met at a park. I was practicing soccer alone and you asked to join, we played and talked, exchanging numbers when you had to leave. We kept in touch, and met a few more times-"

"Wait, what are you talking about Suho?" I asked, confused with what he was saying.

"I thought of this to keep the whole... 'incident' a secret. So, if anyone asks you how we met, which is bound to happen, that is how we met. Also, Sujin, that group that I introduced you to is a popular group, don't tell them anything too personal and don't trust them with anything because they'll gossip. If you have anything else to ask me, write a note and put it on my desk. I'll tap your shoulder when I have a response, it'll be on the right corner of my desk, I want you to take it when the teacher isn't looking okay?" he quickly explained, motioning to my seat.

I sat with a nod. "Uh, okay. Yeah."

He nodded. "Okay."

He took a seat as well, and started getting his supplies out when I finally took notice of his gloveless hands.

"Suho, where'd your gloves go?"

"Oh," he stopped what he was doing and smiled at me, "I'm not wearing them, of course."

"But why?" I asked.

"Because, until I gain the favor of the popular kids, I can't wear them. I hate to admit it, but this is the best option for the time being. If I give them anything to work with, I won't be one with their group. And as I've learned, you want to be with the popular kids in school if you don't want to get picked on, and to be one of them, I have to fit in. Wearing gloves separates us, so I can't."

"That's stupid," I remarked, tapping my desk, "if only school was different."

"It may be stupid, but that's how it is. We have to stop talking now though, the bell's about to ring."

The whole class was an introduction to the course, which was English 1. I was actually excited to learn a new language other than Korean, and especially since almost everyone here in Korea learned English at one point, I couldn't wait to start. Namjoon knew English very well, and the other boys were learning, so I knew this course was hopefully going to be pretty easy. Not to mention, the teacher, Mrs. Moon, was chill.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now