Chapter 38

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With the beginning of this chapter, my story takes an unusually dark turn. We've gotten very close to the climax, and as you might have guessed, things are not going to go well from here on out until Sujin can figure things out, which may take a while.

With that being said, I wanted to let you know the following topics will be included throughout the rest of the book, including suicide, depression, symptoms of greif, and a few others. Please be aware of this and be cautious if you choose to continue reading. I do not want to support or encourage this type of behavior in any way. If you are currently, or have struggled with any of the following subjects, that's okay. I just want you to know I'm here for you. I, myself have experienced many of the coming emotions in the book (mostly the heartbreak, though), and have also done extensive research in order to be able to successfully and meaningfully include details in this story as close to real life as possible, while being aware that some of these things are real and impact people on the daily. I hope no one finds this offensive, that you will tell me if I portray anything wrongly, or upset you in any way. Please stay safe, happy, and healthy, and I hope that my writing, if anything, will help create awareness for these types of events and to show you that there are better ways out of your pain than ending it all. Please enjoy, if possible :D.

"Jiho..." He gently closed his own eyes like he couldn't believe what he was about to tell me. "He committed suicide last night."

That feeling, the experience when you read something, and you just... It's like a shock, it's like an inhale of breath but you're not really breathing, and it's only a few seconds of light headed-ness before you have to re-read it. And then it's like a flood of embarrassment, heat in your cheeks and when you read it again and realize that's it, you're not bad at reading. Something bad happened.

I think I wanted to say something. Part of me didn't believe it, and then another was running through it. Sprinting past the possibilities. Those five words could have so much inside of it. There was no way Suho could explain fast enough, so it was just overwhelming to me. It was a shock to the system, and I didn't know a way out. I didn't know how to verify what he said. So I waited.

"The worst part is, I had a feeling something bad was going to happen," Suho admitted, running a hand through his dark hair. "He was being weird, but it wasn't my place to step in. Plus I had no evidence, so it wasn't like there was much I could do."

It took another cruel moment before I could even start to speak.

"How?" I finally spat. "How did he do it?"

"I don't think you want to know that," Suho said. "I don't think you should know that."

I blinked at him. How could he say that.

"Then why. Why would he do that? Why, Suho?!"

I was weak. My legs trembled to support me, so I kneeled on the floor in front of him. My stomach twisted as I did so. But I was ready to listen to every. Single. Word.

He was calm when he answered me from where he stood. "Sujin. It wasn't you, it wasn't me, it wasn't anything anyone did. I'm not him, I can't tell you why he did what he did. I can only tell you that he did."

I still didn't understand. My voice faltered as I tried to ask the question that seemed it would seal the deal. I felt like Suho's answer would determine whether he was going to stay alive or not. "So he's gone? He's gone. He's dead."

"Yes. He's gone."

How could he do that to Jiho. To me.

"There wasn't anything I, or anyone could do. Jiho wouldn't have let us do anything."

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