Chapter 26

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Oh! Hi! Everything alright? I asked Minie, typing away as Hoseok tugged on my hair.

Unknown: perfectly fine. i got your number from Jiho. hope you don't mind.

Not at all! How are you?

Minie: pretty snazzy. you good? jiho's getting all handsome over here, and i don't know if i should be concerned. i have a feeling you have something to do with it.

I blushed, and put the phone down. It took all of my strength not to squeal.

"What the heck is it now, Sujin?" Hoseok asked.

"Nothing," I giggled.

Jimin shot me an inquisitive look. He totally didn't believe me. "Well it's just... Jiho's sister texted me and said Jiho's getting dressed up. Something like that."

Jimin let out a huff. "I don't know whether I like that or not. Cute or creepy. Can't decide."

I whispered, "He's already so handsome."

Hoseok shut his eyes, putting down the curling iron he had in his hands. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."


"I'm sorry, dongsaeng." He let out a puff of air. "I can't believe you have a crush on someone."

Who wouldn't have a crush on Jiho? I thought. Of all the girls, Jiho chose me. Jiho likes me. He like likes me.

I took a deep breath. Calm.

"Thank you for letting me go out with him. I can't wait."

"I never said I was willing to give you up to a boy this fast, it's not fair," Jimin whined, putting down the blush brush.

"Well, I guess you'll hafta. His sister just texted me, so it's real." I picked up my phone, embarrassed that I hadn't responded yet. I could only imagine Minie thinking over my reaction and telling Jiho how long it took for me to reply.

I guess it is. Has he told you our plans?

Minie: not really. not surprised tho, i'm never told anything in this household.

Well, I mean I don't have the details either. But we're going out to eat, maybe explore the streets.

Minie: oh! i should have told you that

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"Uh, Jimin-ie," I said, frowning at the screen in front of me. "Do you know what this means?"

He looked at it a moment. "No, I don't think so. Were you talking to Minie?"

"Mm hm."

"Odd. You can ask Jiho about it tonight, then."


I put the phone down with a sigh, and couldn't help but wonder what Minie was going to inform me about.

It took another half hour before I finally felt ready. At least, ready physically. I had the sweater and overall dress on, white flats, natural but slightly smokey makeup, and my hair was curled, with two strands of bangs hanging down and framing my face.

Every time I looked at myself in the mirror, I tried not to be discouraged. It was too easy to be over or under prepared for a date, and a first one at that. I really hoped everything would be perfect.

It took everything I had not to blush as I walked downstairs to finish getting ready with the boy's help. There was no escaping Jin's exclamations of joy when I came down, while Jungkook and Yoongi were quiet but kept eying me. Namjoon had been in his room for a while, nowhere to be seen.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now