Chapter 15

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As soon as it started, a soothing sound, almost like a piano started. It was almost a jazzy sound, and soon a consistent beat started.

"Yoongi," I said in awe, "This is totally my type of song. I know it's all rap but I like it that way!"

He looked at me. "I'm pretty proud of it."

"You should be! I love this, can it be my new favorite song?"

A smile finally spread on his face. "You like it that much?"

"Yoongi, I love this so much. It's so relaxing. Can I get it soon? When's the album releasing?"

"It's not releasing until next year."

"What?" I took off the headphones for a second. "I'm not waiting that long to hear this."

"We don't even have the vocals in yet," he laughed at me. "It's not even finalized. Or done. And we're releasing an album next month. It's a big one, remember?"

"Ah right. Wings, is it called?"

"Yeah. And we're going on tour next year as well."

"Don't remind me. That's going to be stressful and I still need Sejin to allow me to come along." I sighed with a smile. "But it's okay, I'll wait for that one song."

"Or, I mean, I could send you what I have of the track?"

"I'd seriously love that."

"You know, you should help me some time. You're learning."

"Learning. I don't know how you do this. At all."

"It's simple. Put sounds together. A little theory never hurts, but you don't have to know that. Unless someone is really picky about the music they're listening to, as long as it sounds good, it's fine."

"You make it sound so easy." I leaned back on the couch. "I'd try sometime, but I don't think you want me messing around with your expensive equipment."

Yoongi was silent for a moment. "No, I wouldn't mind."

As I settled into his shoulder and the show started, I looked up at Yoongi's computer. "One day, I want to write music. I want to be as good as you."

"It all starts with a passion. If you have it, it will work out."

"That's what Jungkook said," I yawned. "I want music. I want it to work out."

"Then I'll help you." He wrapped an arm around me and I smiled. "You seem to be feeling better."

"I am. I think your mac and cheese, and music has healed me."

"Huh." He laughed.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Sure. Possibly."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. I'll be okay by tomorrow."

"Mm." I watched the show for a second. "I don't feel like going back to school tomorrow."

"Same with work for me, but," he took a big breath in, "we need to. How's school going, anyways? I didn't get to check in with you last night, I'm sorry."

I walked him through my day from yesterday. After a while of chatting, we decided to try to bake something to have something to do.

"Uhm. Okay," Yoongi said, reading over the instructions on a tablet I'd pulled up. "First of all, I think a laptop would be better."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now