Chapter 14

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I gasped as I rounded the corner to meet the smiling face of Taehyung. He was sporting a white tee tucked into a male-ish type of mom jeans while he pulled a tan overcoat off his shoulders. He ran and gave me a hug which I eagerly took.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked as his deep voice box vibrated above my head.

"A tiny bit, oppa."

"It wasn't fair of Jungkookie to get to see you at school, and when Sejin asked if we wanted us to come for dinner we jumped at the chance. Not to mention since you weren't feeling all well."

The rest of the boys gave me a hug as Sejin brought over a pot of soup to the kitchen table. My mouth watered. I hadn't eaten much, if any lunch earlier because of my headache, and it was not until now that I realized how angry my stomach had become.

Jin had some pain medication after having called Aecha. He said it was a normal thing for teens going through puberty, which made me laugh among the maknaes but served well to cheer me up. As we ate, the younger boys tried their best to keep me distracted from the long and exhausting day.

"So, you know, on our way here we stopped by the grocery store," Jimin told me as he got a small spoonful of soup ready to nibble on. 

Recently, we hadn't been too worried about his eating habits. After talking to him during the summer, he promised further to try harder to work up to eating a full meal. He could finish a whole meal now, if he was slow and took it easy. But it still worried me from time to time. The other members were aware, nonetheless, so even if I wasn't directly checking up on him about it constantly, I knew he was getting the help he needed. He was definitely doing better. I wondered as I ate if my pounding headache and bites of nausea were how he felt when he couldn't stomach food so well earlier that year.

 "And we were in the ice cream aisle next to the dairy. We were trying to find the right tubs of flavors to find your favorite and there's this little kid this high." He put his hand out below the table to demonstrate. "And he's trying to get a thing of milk from the top shelf. 2%. So naturally, Taehyung has to make some joke about my height and how I'm just as small as this kid. So the boy turns his head, laughs and tries to prove us wrong by grabbing the giant milk carton. He came from his tip toes, and he had it at first, the poor little thing. But, then," Jimin started laughing, until all the maknaes had their heads back in laughter. It was a moment before Jimin continued. I let a small smile spread upon my face. He was still giggling as he continued, "And then the whole thing slips out of his hands and behind him from above his head, lands on the floor, and the milk goes everywhere!

"I'm sorry," Jimin said with tears starting to form in his eyes. "I know I shouldn't be laughing, but I felt so bad for the tiny guy. He jumped, and ran somewhere else screaming for his eomma. We wanted to help him, we could hear the poor thing across the store wailing. But we couldn't really do anything at that point-"

Taehyung interrupted Jimin, "Except try to explain to the store manager that it wasn't us who spoiled the milk all over the floor."

I hadn't been wanting to laugh over the little boy's pain, but I let out a chuckle. "Awe."

"Well, at least we got the ice cream," Jungkook said.

"Mission accomplished," Taehyung agreed. We all went back to silently eating with smiles on our faces. Sejin's soup was a variation of Sundubu jjigae, which was a spicy stew with a base of tofu, along with mushrooms and a small portion of seafood. Namjoon of course wasn't all for that, and avoided the seafood as he ate.

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