Chapter 48

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To answer your question, they found his car 50 ft...

Later that night, I was feeling a bit better.

It was odd, because it wasn't like any of the problems or challenges I'd encountered during the day had gone away, or been resolved. I was just bathing in the comfort of knowing Jungkook was in this with me, at least. He was the only one who saw the text I'd received from Minie. He'd immediately pulled me to the side and told me we wouldn't speak about it. He knew it'd make me worse.

...below the Han river. That's how.

I agreed I wouldn't talk about it, but that didn't mean I couldn't think about it. I made my promise to Jungkook with my fingers crossed behind my back, anyways.

...Strike one...

I knew the other boys cared about me and my situation, it was just all so complicated at the moment. None of us had a good grip on our emotions so it was overall challenging. They still had to continue with their work, album promotions, and everything else being an idol presented to them. To top it all off, I didn't even know if my brothers were going to take me out of SOPA the next day or not.

I had missed a few classes that day from leaving early, and I wasn't eager to leave my schoolwork in the dust to let it add to the pile of hardships I had at the moment. I decided to Facetime Suho so he could help me with a few assignments that I'd missed. He'd offered earlier in the day, anyways.

After a few rings, Suho picked up with a small smile.

"Hey Sujin, give me two seconds, I need to go." There was a faint voice off the screen and Suho nodded. "Okay. Sorry Sujin, so, do you mind if I set this down and talk? I forgot you might need help, and I promised to help out with something else too."

"Go ahead." I shook my head with a tiny chuckle. "As long as I'm not gonna be distracting you."

"I am a pro at multitasking," he smirked playfully before setting the phone down so the camera was looking at the ceiling.

Suho talked softly to someone off screen again before popping back up in front of the camera with latex gloves on this time. "Alright, I'll explain the work for theory, production, and vocal, as I recall those are the classes you missed. The phone's on speaker, and make sure to tell me if I need to speak up."

He started explaining the work and how I could prepare for the next class, as well as occasionally sending me a picture of his own notes to copy. I started asking questions about the homework that I hadn't understood. He took a bit longer than he usually did to answer, and occasionally talked to someone else, but we made it halfway through before he popped back up in front of the camera.

"See, told you I was good at multitasking," he grinned. His shirt had a few smudges of pink that it didn't before, adding to the already paint covered tee. I was confused about how I didn't notice the painting shirt before.

"You certainly are good at multitasking," I agreed, looking away from my homework for a second. "What were you doing though? You're wearing your ruined shirt, and you usually don't pick up when painting."

"Oh, I was helping dye hair." He carried the phone and walked into another room. "Bleached first. Then pink, if you couldn't guess by the fresh smudges. I'm horrible at keeping the paint away from my clothes. It's a real pain when I'm wearing clothes I like."

"You can dye hair? Or... is it something for HXSTS?" I asked, referring to the band Dae and Jiho had been in. Er, I thought Dae was still involved at the moment, considering the music video I'd seen the other day. "That wouldn't be surprising, either."

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