Chapter 8

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The morning of the fanmeeting, and everything leading up to it went normally. Since we had done a few of them in the summer, it was almost a sequence, a routine for how we got up early in the morning and got ready individually until we headed to the company building so the boys could rehearse songs they were going to perform, if any. Sometimes they had several songs, and sometimes they didn't. It really depended on what type of fan meeting was scheduled, and where it was going to be. If not to practice songs, the boys usually went there anyways for makeup or preparations with one of their managers.

This day was one of the days we'd gone to their dance studio to practice a choreography or two, and then the boys warmed up their vocals. I spent that time doing research on how much of our address 'scandal' had still been circulating through social media. It was slightly amusing to me, because a lot of pictures that had been getting around were of random houses that I'd never seen and people were claiming they'd gone to our house and taken a picture. 

Along with that, many people insisted they had our address and would post pictures of a random one, which made me laugh every time I looked closely and realized they'd edited a picture. In the hour or so I sat waiting for the boys that morning, I'd been able to come to a comfortable conclusion that our address wasn't in too much danger. I felt confident the company would deal with the problem, if they hadn't completely done so already.

Not only was that comforting, but I hadn't been seeing so many mean comments or death threats around lately, which was why I was feeling especially safe that particular morning. I wasn't too worried about anything scandalous or eventful happening, even though later on, I'd realize I was wrong about that.

It was almost noon and the boys were almost dressed and ready when Sejin came to talk to me.

"Sujin, I still want you coming up to the stage with me today." Ever since the problem with Suhee, none of the boys, nor Sejin, had trusted staff to watch over me. I'd been told to come up to the stage during fanmeets, and to stay with Sejin when we were at award shows. This had been a little inconvenient, considering at some awards shows, there was lots of traveling backstage when we followed the boys around and made sure they got on their lifts and entryways on time. Having an extra person didn't always make the company officers happy, but we'd managed to do it each time. Sejin had told me it wouldn't have to last for way too long, but it had been a few months since the whole event happened, and Sejin was still being over-protective.

"Okay." I grabbed my phone and a snack. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and the meeting would go through lunch time. The boys were adjusting their mics and finalizing their makeup before we were off and down the endless halls to find the stage. I kept myself next to Sejin until we entered backstage and the boys headed off. I gave Yoongi a small wave as he headed up the stairs to meet the roaring fans, and in return I got a smile before they were all off.

Sejin and I watched the boys from very far off from the stage, behind where any fans could see us, but we still got a view of the large stage and the swarming fans filling the seats in the auditorium. The boys went on with their schedule as usual, but my attention was drawn away from them when a couple of security officers came running to Sejin and I with urgent news.

"Everyone here went through security but our detectors stopped responding in the middle of our check. It wasn't until a few minutes ago that one revealed a suspected forbidden item being snuck into the meeting, and we think someone in the audience might have it."

Sejin glanced at me before raising a brow. "And what's the-"

Before he could ask, a loud, echoing 'pop' noise sounded through the stage, followed by a few high-pitched shrieks. Where Jin's voice had been filling the speakers as he cracked a joke to the fans, there was only silence.

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