Chapter 29

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The members looked at Jin with rolling eyes, but continued eating.

The last month had gone by fairly quickly. School was picking up and I came home with a few hours of homework every night. Jungkook and Namjoon had birthdays, Jungkook turning 19 and Namjoon 22. Jungkook had thanked me for the mug I’d made for him, while Namjoon… well he was another story. He appreciated it, and I tried to smile as he unwrapped messy colored paper from the small coffee table. He liked it, and set it up in his studio at the BigHit building as soon as he could. That day on September 12th was the first time he’d seemed sincere towards me, and I decided to stop holding a grudge. I decided whatever happened, happened, and I’d be friendly with him. I loved him, and there was no sense in staying scared or angry. By now, we’d both pretty much forgotten about the earlier ‘incident’, though I’d been hesitant to get closer to him. 

On the other hand, I’d gotten to spend time with Jiho more often. I’d meet with him after school at the cafe he worked at, and he’d make me a drink so we could do homework together. He wasn’t an outstanding student, but by no means did he fall behind in his studies. We hadn’t gone on any more dates, but we had gotten closer. He was always there for me, and willing to listen when I had things to say. We got along really well, and I was getting more thankful for a nice friend every day. 

I felt I was doing Jiho a deed by giving his sister more jobs for doing Bangtan’s makeup. She’d gotten to do all the boys by now, and was proving herself excellent at the job. I’d gotten closer to her, too, because of seeing her around the company building and when we went to award shows or fan meetings. I didn’t see her often around school, but when I did, it was always a comforting thing. I’d finally made some new friends and was finding my place in school. 

Though I spent much time with Jiho, I continued to sit with Suho during lunch. Him and Daehyun always had interesting things to say. I’d attempted to sith with Jiho’s bunch once, but they wouldn’t stop asking me about the industry. They seemed to share the interest Jiho had, which made more sense as to why he was so intrigued. Either way, I didn’t enjoy eating there and snuck my way to Suho’s table whenever I could. 

I had managed to become a bit closer to the lunch group over the past month, Suho included. He, at some point, had broken up with Yumeko. Though, I decided they were just going through another rough patch. That had happened twice over the span of their relationship so far, but Suho had told me multiple times that it was over for real. Over the past month, he had really started to focus on his flute skills and was already a proficient player. Daehyun had managed to get a boyfriend that I had yet to meet, but he wouldn’t stop talking about him. I had asked to meet the guy, but Daehyun and Suho were adamant that I didn’t because of one reason or another. I didn’t push them on it, but did have Suho lend me some music sheets for piano. He had taken to basically mentoring those in the group who played, even roping a few others in at some point. In the past few weeks, Suho had even started to gain his own little personality, no matter how closed off he was being about it. Things were really looking up for the two brothers.

On another note, the members had brought up therapy to me. I talked to Jimin a lot during that time, because he always made me feel better about myself, and how I was appearing to the members. Hoseok was good at helping me make my points that I was slowly improving, and I had been flash-back free for a while now. There hadn’t been any new appearances with our ‘stalker’, and I hadn’t seen anyone strange lurking around when I ran about town. 

All of the short films for the new Wings album had been released, and I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it. Their concept was becoming more dark, and while I knew they had good intentions, I felt they were showing a side of themselves even I had never seen before. I didn’t understand it all, and it scared me sometimes. The films showed me their vulnerable side, along with a hint of music and an album and tour that was to come- and it all had a certain magic to it. I just wasn’t sure how I felt. It gave me a nostalgic, but homesick feeling at the same time. I just wasn’t sure what to think, and after tons of reassuring me they were just the same boys inside and out, I was able to get the images of the boys struggling, popping pills, battling mental illnesses, and being trapped in the dystopian world their short films portrayed out of my head. It took some prodding, but once they saw I didn’t like it all that much, we figured how to ignore them in a way and let the fans do what they may with it. We were going to move on, and I hoped their tour would bring some more happiness and hope. Overall, the boys were getting ready for a new comeback and it was something really new. This one and this tour was going to be something literally never seen before and it was going to be HUGE. The boy’s popularity was getting higher everyday and it was incredible to watch. I couldn’t wait. 

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now