Chapter 18

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The next afternoon, I got a text during lunch from Sejin saying he and the boys had talked and decided I could go back to the dorm for the weekend. He asked if he could pack up my stuff and what he should be sure to grab so that he could bring it to the dorm. I would get to go home with Jungkook and Jin.

The whole day, Jiho was nowhere to be found. It was odd. I was expected to concentrate more on my schoolwork, but I could only think of the night before. I hoped he wasn't avoiding me on purpose, after everything that'd happened.

Without Jiho to say goodbye to when school let out, I rushed to the front of the school and headed towards the bench where Jungkook and I normally waited for Jin.

Jungkook wasn't there yet, so I took a seat myself, hoping he would come soon.

"I'll text you later, okay?" I turned in the direction the familiar voice was. Suho was down the sidewalk a bit with his girlfriend I had met the other day, Yumeko.

"Are you sure we can't hang out? My sister wanted to meet you, and I was hoping we could work on our projects." She pouted, earning nothing but the corner of his mouth to rise in a subtle smile.

"Yeah, I've got to help my mom with some stuff tonight," I saw Suho give her a quick kiss on the lips, sending a wave of emotion shoot through me. It wasn't pain, but it wasn't shock. It was an uncomfortable mix of both. I didn't even think as I felt it, it just came. "Another time, I promise." he smiled.

He could have kissed her somewhere else. Or, not at all.

"Fine," Yumeko smiled softly and kissed him again, "You better text me,"

But why should I care? I have Jiho, and I already established I didn't want to date.

"I will."

I had told myself I didn't like him.

"Good," she smiled and started to walk away, "bye babe!"

I shouldn't care. I don't like him.


I tried to keep myself from staring as the two parted. Daehyun found Suho and they started walking off. My eyes were betraying me, holding towards skipping Yumeko.

It should have been okay. Suho was allowed to have a girlfriend. I had Jiho if I really wanted someone.

"You better not eat all the food tonight," a voice from behind me said, before a pair of arms wrapped me tightly.

"No promises, Jungkook." I looked up to see his wide eyes staring towards Jin's approaching car. "So what's with the hug?"

"I'm happy you're coming back for the weekend."

"Me too. In fact, I think I'm going shopping with Hoseok for groceries to make dinner, so you don't have to worry about me taking your portion of Jin's food."

"Are you?"

"Hoseok wanted to take me out anyway. He texted me."

"Cool. You haven't been able to spend much time with Hoseok hyung have you?"

"Not really. He's one of the members that signed on as my official guardian, so I guess I'd better make a better effort on my part."

The company sedan rolled up, and I was surprised to see mentioned Hoseok driving it for a change. Jungkook and I got in, and he explained that after he dropped Jungkook off, we'd head to the mall to grab the groceries.

"And Jin hyung told me you had some personal things to buy as well," he said as we neared the dorm.

"Yeah, which means I need to grab my wallet. Do you mind if I run in to change out of my uniform too?"

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now