Chapter 12

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Whoever they were, they were staring into the house at us. We couldn't see anything except the black outline of a person, but they were at the front door, looking at us through the foggy window.

"Did Sujin or Jungkook invite a friend over?"

"No, no I didn't. And Jungkook didn't mention-" I stopped remembering what had happened just a few days ago. "It's the person- it's the person our neighbors caught."

"Okay, okay before we panic, let's get upstairs. Where they can't see us."

"They're literally standing outside!"

"Yeah, so move!" Namjoon instructed, and we all headed up the stairs. We were in the upstairs hall, and there were no windows, so we crowded around.

"Why are you all freaking out?" Yoongi asked, folding his arms. "It could be like, the delivery service or something."

I heard Namjoon nervously swallow and noticed his sandwich was gone. "Okay, but remember what's been going on? There's no reason to not be cautious."

"I don't get why you're all having mini heart attacks, though. Why don't we just go outside and see for yourself?"

"NO!" Hoseok screamed, "That's a horrible idea! You could be opening the door to a murderer."

"Really?" Yoongi asked. The rest of the boys glanced around nervously. He sighed and walked headed back down the stairs as the rest of us held our breath.

"So," Namjoon said, straightening up, "I'm gonna go look with him. You know, just to make sure." He turned around and followed the older. They quickly returned. "Yeah, so they're still there and I don't think they're supposed to be..."

"Well darn," I said.

"But it's okay, we can just-"

"It's not a big deal. I'll call manager," Yoongi cut Namjoon off while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"What were they doing?" Taehyung asked, putting a finger to his chin pensively.

"Standing there, looking- or at least trying to look- through the window. After they noticed we were moving around a little inside the house, which is probably all they saw because the window is naturally fogged, they moved. I think they headed to the back, which is when we came back because they would have been able to see us clearly from there."

"But if they think there's no one in the house, since we're all hiding here, don't you think they'd decide they could, like, break in or something?" Jimin asked.

"They know we're here," said Namjoon. "Like I said, they saw us moving through the window. They just couldn't see us clearly. Same as to how we couldn't see them, just their figure in the window."

"Ah," Hoseok nodded. "Can't we look through the security cameras?"

Yoongi put a finger to his lips as he put his phone to his ear. "Sejin?"

"No," Namjoon whispered as Yoongi walked down the hall a little so he could talk to Sejin without interruption. "Only manager can see it."

"Then it's a good thing we're calling him now," I said.

"Manager, don't freak out, please. I've got seven others already doing that here," Yoongi said into the phone. I laughed a little. He sighed before hanging up. "Manager insisted on calling the police and told us to stay here in case they tried anything, and so we can stay hidden. He's coming over from the company building as fast as he can. And of course, the highlight of the conversation, he told me to tell Sujin to pack her things as soon as the police get here. He's taking you home tonight."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now