Chapter 34

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"I understand," Jin agreed. "And it's okay if you feel that way. We were just so excited, and proud. But you didn't tell us about being casted?"

"Well I was going to throw that away, because I don't care about it. I guess I could have told you just because... I just thought it didn't matter."

"We just want to support you, where possible. If you didn't need us to know or talk about it, that's okay," Taehyung assured me.

"But-" Before Jin could interject, Taehyung put up a hand to stop him.

"You only have to tell us when it might be needed for your safety or health, though we do like to be proud of you."

I smiled, "Okay, I get it. I'll keep it in mind." I tapped the side of my head.

Jin sighed, but still gave me a warm smile. "I'll go get dessert."

While Jin scooped ice cream into bowls, I figured it'd be a good time to ask about Jiho's offer.

"So Jiho asked if-"

"Aw, no," Jungkook said, taking a seat at the table. "Let me guess. Jiho asked to hang out with you after school again tomorrow. Sad news, we actually have a stage." My brother's face turned into a floppy pout as he took a seat at the table.

"As a matter of fact, Jungkook, he didn't ask that."

"Oh?" He took a sip of his drink. "That's new."

"Yeah. He asked if I could come with him tonight... somewhere."

"Somewhere?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi added, "Meaning you're not telling us, or he didn't even tell you?"

"Uh." I looked down. "Both?"

"Tell us what you do know, Sujin, and we'll think about it," Jin said from the kitchen.

"Think about it? You're going to let her go somewhere we might not even know, after dark, alone with a boy? Are you crazy?" Yoongi asked.

"Or is this boy the crazy one? I trust him less every time," Taehyung said with his arms crossed over his chest, surveying me from the other side of the table.

"I don't know, he told me it was somewhere special. Maybe to see lights or something, he sounded like it needed to be dark to fully enjoy it."

Jimin thought with a small, mischievous smile. "That sounds a tiny bit romantic."

"If, like, kidnapping her sounds romantic. Or-"

"Nope, not going there," Yoongi snapped, interrupting Taehyung. "But it doesn't sound like the best idea."

"Well, we're all going to bed early, tonight, too. Because we have a heavy schedule tomorrow that starts early. There'd be no one awake if you needed something," Jimin said.

"Nevermind then," I said, getting up from the table. "I get it, you don't seem excited at all about it and I guess it's not worth all this arguing over."

With a final glance, I left the kitchen and headed back to my room to hibernate again, making sure to lock my door so I wouldn't have to discuss it anymore.

Later that night as I laid in bed, I could only stare at my phone screen. I'd sent a text to Jiho, telling him the boys weren't going to comply. He hadn't responded, and it'd been a few hours since I'd sent the text.

As I laid on my side, I watched out the window. The city was quiet, and a cool breeze drifted into my room, slowly blowing my curtains back and forth. I'd gotten in bed without putting on my pj's, but I was willing to just go to sleep and forget about accidentally ditching Jiho, when I saw someone walking up to the house.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now