Chapter 7

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As ice ran around the rim at the bottom of the cup, it hummed and clinked. I drew the plastic straw up and down inside the lid, making it squeak as Taehyung and I walked side by side. The cameraman was behind us, going through the footage he took of us doing the scavenger hunt activities. We were on our way back to the school to total and collect our points, and I was almost done with the drink the barista had given me.

Taehyung sighed and watched my drink as the ice and straw sang with each other. "I'll give you one more minute to play your cup 'instrument' and then I want silence."

I laughed, "Sorry, sorry. I'll stop." I took off the lid and poured the rest of the ice into my mouth, crunching it with my teeth. (BTW, this is really bad for your teeth, so please don't take this example and please don't do it :D) As I looked into the now bare bottom of the cup, I squinted as I realized there were words and numbers written at the bottom.

Text me if you wanna be friends.

"Huh?" I mumbled, looking at the written numbers after the message. It was handwritten.

"What?" Tae asked, and I handed him the cup. He inspected it and then stopped walking. "Darn. Sujin, I don't like that. Please don't text him."

"Awe," I whined. "Really? You're gonna do that to me?" I put out my lower lip in a pout.

"Yes, because I'm your brother and one, I can tell you what to do, and two, I care about your safety and I don't trust that guy. He may be cute to you, but he's nothing but a weirdo to me."

"That's no fun."

Tae grabbed my hand and we kept walking, handing me back the cup.

"Throw it away."



I looked at the numbers again, reading them over until I was pretty sure they were in my head. After a minute of staring at them, Taehyung grabbed the plastic cup from my hand and threw it into the next trash we passed. "Don't go fishing for it either."

"Okay, I won't." I wouldn't need to, anyways. I had the number memorized.

I walked a few steps to the side, away from Taehyung so he couldn't see me as I turned on my phone and opened my contacts to add a new person. I typed in the number before thinking. I wasn't necessarily going to text him, I just wanted to make sure I had his number saved in case. I agreed with myself on that and let the number stay on my phone before shutting it off.

It was a short walk to find the group, who were gathered around at the front of the school with the camera and filming crew. Taehyung and I thanked our cameraman, and he went to turn in the clips he recorded of us to the director. We sat and enjoyed doughnuts that Jin had collected along the way of his journey while the camera crew worked on adding up points. We were all pretty quiet as we ate, as the tension from the early part of the morning was still around us. As soon as Namjoon's phone started ringing, all ears were on him as he stood and took a call.

"Manager?" he asked, pacing between his two feet slightly. He listened for a minute before his face turned into confusion.

Jin groaned, "Here we go again. Manager Sejin can't ever seem to call without there being something wrong."

"I know," I agreed.

Namjoon ended the call quickly and then turned to us. "Sejin said a neighbor spotted someone walking around the house again. It was pretty suspicious so they called the police. I think we should head back and meet Sejin there. The police are doing an investigation."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now