Chapter 4

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Namjoon was reasonably composed when we explained what we had found, and calmly told us we needed to get to the company building to tell the managers. He wasn’t too worried yet, and told us to do the same. We rode to the building in silence, especially with my thoughts also clouded about the conversation I had earlier with Namjoon. 

Once at the building, I answered a few questions from the manager at head of SMS Managing. Once I gave them all the information they needed, I was discarded off to the side and into an extra meeting room so the boys could talk with the officials.

There was an old keyboard off to the side of the room, probably having once been for a past trainee or even one of the boys at some point. I walked up to it before running my fingers softly across the keys, inspecting it. I saw that it was plugged in, so I found the ON switch and saw down before pressing a key. I knew how to play the piano decently. I used to teach the younger kids. 

I started with one key, a low E. Then I added another finger, a G. They went perfectly together. I put all of my left-hand fingers down, placing my thumb on a B. I played the chord before smiling. It was perfect.

I placed my right hand up an octave. I played a G. Then I added the previously determined chord with my left hand, before going G, A, B on the right hand. The notes were beautiful together. It was thrilling, and suddenly I had a tune in my head that wanted to come out. I knew what kind of chord I was looking for, so I took my left hand and advanced the B to a C, while keeping the E and G. It was another perfect chord, and I continued with more notes on the right hand. 

I smiled with a happy sigh. Maybe I could write a song. It wasn’t so bad, so why should SOPA be harder?

I started from the beginning, playing the chord with the first few notes I had determined. I kept going, playing more chords as I went. I was thinking I almost had a full chorus, when a familiar voice rang.

“That’s a nice tune there,” it said. I gasped when I recognized the voice.

“Sejin!” I exclaimed, turning around to see him entering the room. 

“How are you doing, Sujin?” he asked, walking towards me with a bright smile. 

“I’m great, you?” I turned around on the keyboard stool. 

“Same as always,” he nodded. “You’re returning to school soon, right?”

“Yeah! I think it should be good.”

“You’re not worried about what will happen?”

“What do you mean?” 

Sejin took a seat on a nearby stool with an uncertain smile. “A lot happened the last time you went to school, after being announced as Bangtan’s little sister, and then the messages on social media and… a lot has happened since the last time you went to school. It’s going to be different for you, for now on.”

“Yeah, I‘ve heard those words so many times in the last few months. But, look,” I stopped, looking up at the ceiling as I thought. “I’m not sure.” I lowered my head and looked at Sejin. “I don’t want to let that ruin going to school. It is starting to sound really fun, and I made a friend already. I just feel more prepared, and after seeing what it’s like, I’ve had the summer to go through it in my head and plan for the worst. Another thing is the fact that school probably won’t ever be the most important part of my life. Every morning when I wake up, it’s weird. It’s like a dream, even though sometimes it’s a nightmare,” I laughed. “But waking up and knowing I have these seven brothers there for me is really comforting, and I’m still really happy with them. We can go on so many adventures together, and they can help me live a life that I want to, so school, math, science, language arts, those don’t have to be the biggest part of my life. Yes, at SOPA those aren’t the only things, though. There’s my music and performing arts classes, so those are probably the ones I’ll focus on the most . But, overall, school doesn’t have to matter all too much. Jungkook helped me realize that the other day.”

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now