Chapter 20

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My (possibly) favorite chapters of this book continues...

Hoseok and Jimin gave me their last goodbye, while the other members were in a rush to get out of the room. It was fine by me. I was happy enough to see Namjoon start to head out the door. But, he stopped at the frame, and took a few steps back to face me. I laid down on the couch and ignored him.

No, not me, not me, don't talk to me.

He walked away to the other end of the room, but returned a few seconds later. I kept my eyes low to the floor, so I could only see his legs, but then a hand was lowered and on it was a small fleece blanket.

"You, uh, looked tired this morning. Sejin found someone to come watch you since you can't follow him but, erm, you might as well get some rest."

I looked at the blanket for a second, then let my heavy eyes flicker to his face. He didn't look so sincere, but there was no way I was passing up the blanket.

In the quietest voice possible, I muttered a tiny, "Thanks," and took it with hesitant hands. He exhaled and then left. It was silent. I was going to be alone until whoever Sejin got to supervise me arrived.

A clock in the room ticked and there were quiet roars from fans several rooms down. I put the blanket around me and closed my eyes. Thinking about Namjoon's words from earlier wasn't what I wanted to do, but it was the only thing I could do. No matter how hard I tried, the words swirled in a sickening pattern, invading my brain. The lump in my throat had never left and it seemed tears were constantly at the ready. The more I thought about the morning and the miscommunication, the more I wanted to curl up and cry to myself.

Anyone else would have been better. Fans could be mad at me, my friends could be mad at me, I could be mad at myself, but the boys couldn't hate me.

They couldn't be disappointed in me.

I scanned the room, trying to think of any type of distraction, when the rustling of feet came towards the room until they were inside. I looked up to find Taehyung back inside.

"D-did you forget something?" I asked, sitting up on the couch.

"No," he said. "The uh, stage- our stage was pushed back two performances. I have ten minutes 'till. The others stayed backstage, but I wanted to take the chance to come talk with you real quick."

"Talk with me?" I asked, lowering my voice. "Are you mad at me too?"

"W-what? Princess no," he said, shaking his head. He said it as if it were a crazy thing to suggest. He motioned to the couch and I scooted over so he could take a seat. The couch sank as he sat.

"Good, 'cus Namjoon, and Sejin, and Jin all-" my voice cracked and I stopped. Taehyung took one look at my teary eyes and his face fell.

"Oh Sujin!" He put an arm around me and I brought my knees to my chest with the blanket on top as I started crying again. The events of the day seemed to crash on top of me as Taehyung pulled me closer. He let me lean my head on his shoulder and I pulled the blanket to cover my eyes. I didn't want to cry, really, but with Taehyung showing the care he was, there was no way I could hold it in. It felt better.

"Sujin-ie, did you listen to a single thing he said? It was ridiculous. I don't know what got into him."

"I-I don't either. I already felt s-so ba-d," I sobbed. "I was up last night making Jung-Jungkookie's present, a-and his," I tried to explain, "and I'm so sorry Taehyungie, I stayed up way too late, and-"

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