Chapter 47

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There was one more sticky note Jiho's friend was about to show me, when a voice smacked me out of the trance. If my hand hadn't been on the railing, I would have fallen backwards and down the stairs.

"There you are Sujin, let's go. Are these friends?"

When I looked at the bottom of the staircase, Jimin was patiently waiting, having just checked me out of the front office.

When I looked back at the group of students. They were slowly backing off. The girl who'd shown me the papers quickly snatched the remaining ones from my hands, and then turned on her heels. The rest followed after a few looks my way, eyeing Jimin.

I couldn't believe what had just happened.


I flinched again, muttering a sorry to Jimin who I'd instinctively taken a step away from when he suddenly showed up by my side.

"What was that? What were your friends showing you?"

I looked at him, into his searching eyes hiding under a few strands of dirty blonde hair. He inspected me as I studied him silently.

"It..." What was I supposed to say? "It was nothing, sorry for holding you up."


Even if I had wanted to explain to him, I didn't have the words for it. I didn't know how to describe the utter fear that was taking over me. I just wanted to get away.

I took the railing in one hand and started down the stairs, hoping Jimin would follow.

When I got to the bottom to find Jimin wasn't there, the sick feeling that had been growing instantly got worse. Jimin was still at the top of the staircase, holding a bright pink sticky note up to his face.


He turned, facing me slowly. His expression was so soft, yet so hard at the same time. Soft at me, rocky at the note. It was almost frightening.

In the next second, he stomped down the stairs, catching up to my side in a split second and grabbing my hand with such force, I almost expected an apology.

I struggled to keep up with his long strides as we exited the school building in a millisecond, and we were instantly in the car with Hoseok in the driver's seat.

"This," Jimin said, his voice incredibly harsh as he buckled his seatbelt. I'd never heard him like this before. "This! Read this! Look at this! Take this in! Memorize it with your heart, because I know for one thing it's going to be imprinted in Sujin's heart until she dies and that's not okay. This is not okay!"

"Holy-hold on, Jimin," Hoseok said, eyeing me as I sat quietly and frozen in the back seat. "What is this?"

"What do you call this? What do you call this?! A threat? Bullying? Abuse? What the heck is this, Hoseok? Students threatening Sujin, suggesting she should take her own life? To join her dead friend that she's already grieved over for weeks? No. No, this is not okay, no I will not take it, and I won't take anything for an answer except knowing who these students are and how they're going to learn their lesson! Because my little sister has paid for this for way too long and there's no way she's going to keep paying for something she never did! I'm done with this, Hoseok-hyung. I'm so done. I mean- so what, we're going to let her be punished for loving someone, giving them her all, being kind, and being the best!? Bringing the best out of herself and that person? And now she gets to be abused? Killed because of it? No. No, no no no. Not even an option. Not even a fricking option."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now