Chapter 24

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"Does that matter?" he asked, his tone becoming angry. "I finally care about you, Sujin! And the other boys do too. But I'm still the second youngest here, and I don't know what to do, or how to handle this! You having to go to counseling is making it worse because that means it's serious! The hyungs think it's serious. I have the fans to worry about, too. I have to work hard and train and please everyone at once but don't you see, Sujin?! I care about you the most and now I hate the fact that I have to worry so much about you, after losing my friend. Not a darn day goes by that I don't see her in you and it's tearing me apart!" He breathed heavily letting more tears fall out of his red eyes and down his stained cheeks. I really didn't know what to say now. 

 "Well, what do you want me to say? I'm sorry? I can take care of myself? You know, I don't want to go to counseling either and it hurts that they think I need to... But really, what we've come to? To the point that nobody believes what I say, and instead they just think it's because there's something wrong with me that needs to be 'fixed'? That I'm automatically wrong because no one else has had a traumatic past or has been abused by their father? I don't think that's fair."

"It's not fair, I know sweetie," Jungkook said. "I don't think there's something wrong with you, but I also don't think you're perfectly fine."

I shrugged. "Okay? Well it doesn't look like you know what to do about it, either."

Jungkook looked around the room thoughtfully before sliding on top of his bed. He lay down next to me on the pillow and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry."

I looked at him. We both bathed in the silence for a while. 

"I'm sorry too, we can never have a conversation without it getting emotional and loud."

The corners of his mouth slid up and he opened his chocolatey eyes. "I second that. You know I love you, right?"

"You've had your moments to show me, yes." I tried to smile back but my eyes were puffy and my throat was still sore from earlier. I swallowed heavily, and Jungkook could sense my fatigue. He took one of his strong arms and patted the space next to him. 

"What? I'm already sitting here."

"Lie down."

I looked at him a little weirdly, but swung my legs onto the bed and laid on my back.

 He smiled next to me. He was so young. He was my brother. He was Jungkook of BTS. But, he was also human. He cared about people and wanted to help people, and he loved people. 

He smiled before wrapping an arm around me. "You were supposed to rest and I ruined that. Get some sleep. We're both tired."

"T-thanks, Kook." 

He pulled up the covers around us and I scooted closer, propping my head on his chest while his arm stayed around me. He always smelled so good. Fresh and clean smells, warm and sweet smells were always lingering. 

I kept my eyes open and laid there peacefully, listening as his breathing slowly became more regulated. It made me happy, seeing him finally come to rest. He had so much weight on his shoulder from so many things. His parents, fans, school, his managers, the other members, and me. There were too many to count. That was the real thing that wasn't fair. 

It was only in that moment that I really felt it- I really saw how much Jungkook sacrificed for me, and for us, and for everyone. He did so much and because of that, he hurt. 

I carefully put my hand on his chest, where his heart was. It almost shocked me to find it wasn't broken. It wasn't in pieces, or torn, or worn out from all the stress. It was still perfectly whole, ready to shine for fans, ready to give love to the other members and me. 

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now