Final Author's Note

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My dear readers,

Thank you SO much for being with me for these last 13 months as I've written the second book of this special series! If you're still here after book one and two, I thank you with the sincerest part of my heart. That support means so much to me. Your nice comments have kept me going and I wouldn't have been able to reach this goal without you!

I've really loved how I've been able to share my ideas, my situations, and my scenes about our boys with all of you. These boys mean so much to me. I often felt bad while I wrote this story, because sometimes I feel it's wrong to put words into their mouths and actions into their bodies. I love those seven boys so much, but I know they are picked apart and studied like bugs, and they're never left alone. I try very hard to keep a positive image for every one of them, because it'd be wrong of me to try and make them people they're not just for the fun of it. Though I don't think any ARMY really knows the true them completely, I hope we can feel more connected to them in ways only made possible through fanfiction.

Moving forwards, YES there will be a third book, and YES there will be a fourth, though the third is going to be the last "final" one of the series. The fourth one will be a side-story, and not as much about the boys, but more about Sujin and her own life moving on as an idol. I'll be starting to update the third book hopefully within the next month or so, so be sure you're following me or checking for when that comes out, if you're still interested in following the last leg of Sujin's journey! (and if enough people really like the series, maybe I'll consider doing four main books + the side story and the imagines. We'll see).

The third book is super exciting for me. It takes my total love and adornment for the Wings era to build a fast-moving story with new concepts, features, and scenes. What I really love about book three is how much I've been able to learn and include the real BTS. Not who I think they should be for the story. I have all of the Burn the Stage episodes and the movie, and yes, there will be many instances in the book in which I write those scenarios line-by-line, quoting the members' words and actions exactly as they happened in real life. I learned a lot about them by writing book three this way, and I hope it'll help me write the parts of the story that come from my own imagination for Sujin to shine better and more realistically. Book three includes many, many real life experiences, sets, and situations while adding and including Sujin into the story. I haven't ever seen another BTS fanfic, especially an adopted au do that before. I hope this can help me continue to provide you guys with a unique story and experience with meaningful additional characters, plus the Bangtan Sonyeondan you already know and love, including the Korean culture and K-Pop world. I enjoyed keeping that feeling I bet a lot of us get when travelling. It's still the same people with the same lives, but with a total surroundings change, it's easy for Sujin to feel out of place-- but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It presents new opportunities for her that help her and are enjoyable at times. I'm having so much fun writing it, and I can not wait for you guys to read it and see what I have in store.

Also, there's still an Imagines book to go along with this series! I do apologize, I don't update it very often, but I hope to soon!

The Discord server for this story is still up, though no one has joined yet ;-;, lol. But that's alright, co-author Kai and I will keep it up so it stands if anyone changes their mind.

And once again, I will continue to wish you all health, safety, and happiness. My messages on Wattpad and my Instagram, @rosy_hobi_flower are always open if you ever want to chat with me or connect. I'm always open to meeting ARMY, readers of my fanfic, and chatting or being there for you :).

I'll see you in book three very soon!!


Hey all, it's me. Kai. You know me, hopefully. So, you've read all of book 2, and 1 I hope, good for you. It's an accomplishment I guess. I've been asked to say a bit about my role in writing, if it isn't clear what I have and haven't done to progress this story.

I was originally brought onto this project around chapter 5 or 7 of book 1 [Ahem, Rose here, it was March 30, 2019 at 1:24 PM when Kai first went onto the doc where I was writing, she came when I was on page 50, chapter 11] so I've been around for a while. My role has changed quite a bit in that time, going from a beta reader to a live time editor to the story and the plot. If you're more curious about when I really started writing for this, you'd have to ask Rose 'cause my brain isn't all too good.

In this book, and the previous one, any and everything involving Suho and Daehyun (btw Suho originally was gonna be totally different. curious?) has almost completely been written by me with Rose's input, as Rose has wanted me to inform you, and I even write a bit when Rose can't figure out how to word something. As she has told me 'you make words flow' or I think that's what was said. I also help establish plot lines and events also making sure we don't have plot holes [Rose again, yeah, we end up with a lot of plot holes oop. It's hard to juggle the boy's real life schedule and everything I want to make up lol, so Kai's been a miracle with that], even small ones if I can catch them.

Also, another thing, I hate Sujin with a passion. Rose can attest, I make sure to tell her at least once per writing session.

I don't know why I needed to tell you all of this, but I think Rose wants me to brag a bit since she thinks that she wouldn't have gotten this far without my help (she totally could have don't believe her). As Rose has also told me to say in this, 'Suho is the best boi ever' and I don't disagree. Book 3 will be fun, Suho's gonna party, Dae's living life, sad times bro, and we get new friends. That's all I'm going to say about that, take what you will. Anyways I think that's all Rose wanted me to say, peace out for now lovelies <3

Rose here again, but yeah. Kai has been a major motivation. Sometimes all she does is sit there while I write, but surprisingly, it motivates me because I think she's staring at me if I'm sitting there not writing anything because I'm getting distracted. She helps me keep the story interesting, enough that I am motivated to write more, and that you guys enjoy it I hope. And letting her take charge of Suho and Daehyun really adds their own personal voices to the story since it's not one person writing all of them. While this is still my novel, it would be so flat and half what it is today without her help. So I thank her with every piece of my being and I'm thankful to walk into book three with her there!!

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