Chapter 35

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(A little bit of hardcore romance in this chap, nothing inappropriate for what I assume is this stories' audience, but if you want to skip it, stop reading at the ** and continue again at the ***)

The next day at school, Jiho and I decided to hang out in a spare classroom to do some homework. We'd had fun talking about our plans for the school dance that was coming the very next day, on Saturday. But after our conversation died down about it, I had to bite my tongue every few minutes to keep myself from asking about Daehyun, or Suho, or even Seojin: the boys I now knew as Jiho's bandmates.

It felt as if he'd kept a sacred, special secret from me. One that was special to my heart too, because Daehyun and Suho were a special part of me. How none of them had ever mentioned being bandmates, I couldn't fathom.

"Okay, so if x plus y is 247..." Jiho trailed off.

"Shouldn't this be reviewed for you?" I asked.

He looked at me, and shrugged. "Maybe. Summer must've done things to my brain."

I laughed at him. "It's October, and school started in August. Summer's your excuse?"

"What? Are you blaming me for being dumb?"

"No, I'm only blaming you for not telling me who your bandmates are."Right after I'd said that sentence, my hand creeped up to smack over my mouth. There went the question.

"Oh." He closed his eyes, tight, and slumped down in his seat. "Right. So Daehyun talked to me about-"

"It's the company, right?"


"You couldn't tell me details because of your company's rules, so that's why you didn't mention you were in a band together."

"That, and I didn't dig Dae and Suho."

"You didn't? Or... don't?"

He shook his head thoughtfully. "Well, Dae has a boyfriend, he's in the band too. It creates contention, bias, and I'm left out a lot. I hate it."


"Suho and Dae live together, they're practically brothers. They had a bond before we joined the band, so I was already behind in that aspect. Seojin clicked with them quickly and I didn't. There's a lot of reasons why I didn't like them."

I glanced over to him as his brows furrowed. "Suho especially. He doesn't like me much either, but I don't think he likes anyone. He's cold and aloof, and follows us around a lot because he's a trainee. Dae and Seojin don't mind much, but he was always there. At school, at work, it's like the guy never leaves. I still don't like him. He's an insolent prick, I don't know how they put up with him."

I placed my teeth over my lips. It was such a foreign idea to me, how they couldn't get along. Especially since I was still so new to the fact they were all bandmates. There was no fair way to side with one person or another, plus I didn't want to make Jiho unhappy. So I nodded slowly, hoping he'd take the answer and forget about it. Once I placed my attention back to the homework in front of me, he seemed to as well, which made me feel better. I'd have to talk to Suho about it.

Several minutes later, my pencil scratched as numbers flew from somewhere. Not my mind. My mind was still running through thoughts of him, and how he could think that way about Suho. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, so after a few minutes of both of us starting out the window that was across a sea of abandoned desks and chairs, he turned to me. With a half smile, his hand came and caressed my cheek.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now