Chapter 37

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"Ji- Jungkook. Oh." Upon opening my eyes, I wasn't less relieved to see my brother. But it was still a comfort. "Hi Jungkook."

"Hi Sujin." He looked at me for a second, expecting me to say something. When I didn't, he did. "What're you doing?"

"What does it look like? I was just using the bathroom."

"Oh." His expression was soft and he looked sad. "Still no Jiho?"

I shook my head, closing my eyes so the tears wouldn't form again.

"Hey," a soft voice said as a hand landed on my shoulder. "Hey, that's okay. We always knew boys were stupid."

"Not him," I choked, trying to wipe away the tears as fast as I could. We were still at school, and we both had reputations to hold, even if I was still building mine. "He's not supposed to be stupid. He never was."

Jungkook pulled me into a hug, and I laid my face on the side of his suit so as to not let any mascara spoil it. After a second, I let go and took a seat on a broken desk that was sitting in the hall.

"He's not coming, I'll just call Jin or Yoongi and ask them to bring me home. You should stay and have fun, Kookie," I said as I slumped on the seat.

My eyes were solid on the floor, letting Jungkook's black dress shoes take over my vision. They slowly took a few steps towards me, and then he was taking my hands in his.

"Come on."


"Back to the dance. We came here for it."

"What?" I asked, clearly confused. "Kookie, I don't want to go in without a date."

"That's why I'm giving you a date."

"Ew, I don't want one of your friends or something." I took a step back and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Pabo," he laughed, "It's me. Wanna?"

It took me a second to think through what he was planning. After some consideration, I asked, "I thought you had a group of friends you were gonna hang with."

"Pft, who cares about them?" His voice lowered. "You're my sister."

He grabbed my hand again, and I let him. We slowly walked back to the entryway of the gym, before I stopped.

"I mean, but why? Why do you care, Jungkook?"

He turned to me with a soft smile. "Because I know you've been looking forward to this for a while. I'll make sure you have the best time possible, because that's what you were waiting for. This stupid boy made a decision, and the only person he should be allowed to hurt is himself."

I stumbled over words for a moment."What if it was my fault, Jungkook? I never...Well, I abandoned him last night."

"He should have known better than to tempt you to sneak away from your brothers," he laughed. "Come on, I'm not going to let you waste this. It's your first high school dance!"

A tiny smile formed on my face, and I let it. "Thank you, Kook," I said, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "But don't let me ruin it for you, either."

"Of course not. What do you want to do first? Dance? Eat? Throw a pie in the principal's face? Cake walk?" He led me further, into the room where the lights ran around the floor. "Oh, come on! This is your favorite song, isn't it?"

With a skip in his step, Jungkook led me further, towards the center of the room where people were dancing. "Sujin, I know you love to dance. I bet you got the best moves out there."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now