Chapter 5

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Jimin looked at her confused, before turning to me. I knew I’d been caught.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “But I don’t think you’ve got the right per-”

“Ah, Jimin, can I talk to you? One second,” I said to the lady before grabbing Jimin’s arm and heading down the hall a bit. “Ah, Jimin, I can explain-”

“Public and Social Managing Team? Sujin, does she think you’re-”

“No- I mean- yeah, but-”

“What? How? Why?”

“Well, I told her-”

“You said you were?”

“Uhh, kinda?”

“Sujin!” Jimin sighed. “Why would you even think to do that?”

“Well, she seemed like she had important information and-”

“What did you hear?” Jimin asked, turning more serious than he had been. 

“It was nothing,” I shrugged.

“Nothing? Sujin, what did you hear?” He asked, raising his voice. I'd never heard him talk so aggressively.

“Please, don’t worry about it, and please, don’t mention it to the others-”

Sujin!” he shouted, his voice ringing off the walls around me.

I was silent for a moment before I sighed, and decided to direct the subject in another way. “She told me that you guys didn’t trust me."

“Didn’t trust you? No, aish, we told her we didn’t trust the information in…” he trailed off.

“The information in my hands? Or what?”

“No, no,” he said, rubbing his forehead. “That we didn’t trust… that we didn’t trust that you’d take it well.”

“Yeah, Jimin, that’s called not trusting me,” I huffed. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you guys-”

“It’s not because we thought you’d be scared or something,” Jimin said, “we just didn’t want you to have to deal with another thing.”

“I thought we’d gone through this. I’m okay, I can handle things. I can handle the death threats, so why can’t I handle this?”

“Wait, death threats?” Jimin questioned.

“Oh-” I stopped myself. No one was supposed to know I had found out about the death threats Namjoon had shown me. He hadn’t even shown the other members. 

“Sujin, there hasn’t been any recent death threats, none since you’ve arrived,” he said, looking me in the eyes with curiosity. “There hasn’t, has there?”

“Uh,” I thought for a second. I had really messed up. I averted my eyes to the floor.

“Sujin, look at me,” Jimin said, crouching down to somewhat match my height. “Tell me, have you seen more? Are you not telling me something?”

“Why should I tell you if you won’t tell me what’s happening. We have a darn stalker and you didn’t tell me.”

“That’s because we’re the ones who need to handle it. Heck, we don’t even need to, that’s for the company. But you, if you see a death threat somewhere, or have been seeing them, you have to tell us so we can do something.”

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now