Chapter 28

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I leaned in for a hug from Jiho as we sat on the benches in the park. He'd just asked me how I felt, if I was okay now since I'd gotten out of the orphanage and I had him and the boys. "I mean, sure, I'm okay." His clothes never failed to smell so good.

Once I pulled out of the hug, he looked satisfied. "So how did you get through it?"

I thought for a second, looking up at the sky that was starting to collect a few dark clouds.

"I'd watch other kids go home with new families and it'd make me so mad. I'd try so hard to impress the people who came. I guess soon enough, I realized it was better not to hope and have expectations. It was harder to get hurt that way, so that's why I didn't give it a second thought when the boys came to adopt. I just wanted them to take Chinahe home. I saw their car," I laughed, "I knew they were rich. Not once did I think they could be the ones for me. Sometimes I'd see people pass by and I'd get that gut feeling, like woah, they could really be the ones. But they never were.

"When I look back on that, I guess it's a good thing. I guess it's an amazing thing, because here I am, at SOPA, meeting you, and living the life I've only ever dreamed of, in the sense that I always thought performing arts were fun."

Jiho's eyes got smaller as he smiled, "I'm with you on that. I mean, I always thought music was cool but it wasn't until, eh, early this year that I started becoming serious about wanting to perform."

"It doesn't matter when you start, as long as you're passionate about it."

"Hm. Why don't I make a note of that," he said, grabbing the leather notebook that he'd brought along yet again. There still hadn't been a time it wasn't with him, tucked under an elbow or in a hand. His habit was cute. "Here." It was placed on the table, and then he looked at it for a second and frowned.

"Why not?" I asked, moving my hand to pull it open.

"No," he said as if on instinct, pushing my hand onto the table. "I-I'm sorry. Let me open it to a new page." He slowly let go, and looked at me uncertainly before opening it carefully, not letting any of the written-in pages open. "Again, if my friends knew I keep these types of records..."

"It's' okay, I understand," I said, giving him a small smile.

He smiled back and took the pen that was tucked inside. "And, I keep a lot of lyrics and stuff in here. I think some will even be used in our debut album." His eyes sparkled, and I realized how much that must've meant to him.

"I didn't know you wrote lyrics, Jiho."

"Y-yeah, I guess that's why I thought it would be hard to explain when you noticed my journal. I mean, if that's even what you'd call it."

He scribbled in the book for a few minutes, before putting it towards me so I could see what he wrote.

I laughed as I read over his quotations of me from the last little while. "Nice, good job Jiho. I bet you'll make awesome lyrics for songs."

"Thanks," he beamed. He grabbed the drink he'd made for me at his cafe and placed it in front of me. "Moment of truth, huh?"

"You bet," I said, raising an eyebrow and taking it in both hands. I took a sip through the metal straw, and my face lit up. It was a creamy, rich drink that tasted of vanilla and sweet crushed cookies.

"It's an Oreo milkshake."

"I couldn't tell!" I said, laughing. "Mm. It's really good."

"I'm so glad you think so."

"You should have a sip," I said, handing it over.

"Why should I?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips. "I can make them myself."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now