Chapter 25

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Jimin was quiet as we started walking down the streets, and we headed up towards the part of the neighborhood that had some small stores and cafes.

His currently auburn hair was tossed with a side part and was falling to one side in fluffy layers over his face. He was huffing a little as we walked, his breath coming out in hard puffs.

"Are you alright, Jimin?"

He glanced at me, his hard expression falling before he tried to mask it with a smile. "I-I uh, yeah, I'm fine, I just... have been thinking a lot."

"I assumed that when you said you wanted to 'talk'," I said, nodding my head. "So what's up, Jiminie?"

"Well it might be best to just say it, but your friend, Jiho, asked Namjoon for permission to ask you out on a... date... And you see, Namjoon said no, even though I thought that was extremely unfair of him and, well, I-I thought you should know."

It was a moment before I responded. "Oh. Ohhh. Yeah, I know."

He paused. "You do?"

"Er, yeah," I said, wringing my hands together. "Well, Hoseok and Jungkook let it slide the other day."

My words made me wince. That wasn't completely true, and I'd feel bad if Jimin was going to put the blame on them. I explained to him what happened the day before when Taehyung called Jungkook so I could hear his conversation with Namjoon. "I'm sorry for not telling you, with everything that happened yesterday it just... slipped."

"No, it's okay."

I gave him a sorry smile as we continued down the street. Our pace was slowing. "So what did you think I was going to get out of the information? About Jiho asking me out?"

"Uhm, I worked more on convincing them to let you go on the date last night, after you went off to Jungkook's room. They said a small, teeny weeny," he put his index and thumb fingers almost together, "little date shouldn't do much harm. You're young for that kind of thing. Too young honestly, in my opinion. But you see the world a different way than most people your age. I do think a little experience right now might be good for you. Just to see how it goes.

"But, I am still worried about some things. As in, he's a boy much older and bigger than you. That's why I thought we would let a staff come with you? They can record a little something for the fans even? I know it's a ridiculous idea, but we've been able to keep you away from it- the cameras- for now. The fans need more, they always need more. Even if it's not best for the artists, the company pushes it... It's something we haven't been able to escape, and I've always worried you wouldn't be able to either. I think there's not all that much harm with it unless the cameras get too much, and that does happen sometimes. Anyways," he rambled, "what do you think?"

"So," I thought for a moment, "no privacy for my first date... at all."

"I think it's the only way the other members would allow it."

"Can't a staff go? Or I could ask my uncle-"

"The company is pushing the idea. Bringing a camera with you is just practical for getting more content out for the fans."

I thought for a second. "I hear what you're saying. Why hasn't this come up before? The cameras have been off most of the time."

"Maybe you just haven't realized it yet. How often do you watch Bangtan Bombs or Run Episodes?"

"Not very often. I usually assume I've seen everything that's put in the videos myself, and it's not always the best experience to look at all the comments and such. It's not like any of them concern me. Not the good ones, anyways."

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