Chapter 43

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So it turned out the boys all came.

We drove a fair amount of time before reaching a rural area. It didn't even look like Seoul anymore, but it was cozy. As soon as the van pulled into a gravel-paved parking lot, the horses, wagons with large, round, orange fruits, and rows of corn in neat lines all in the same area, I knew where we were.

We hopped out of the van in sweatshirts and jeans, all having been warned of the colder temperature of the place. After walking down some gravel paths, we paid for our entry and took a look at the map of the corn maze.

"We'll pick out pumpkins after the maze so we don't have to carry it everywhere. So..." Jimin hummed, staring intently at the paper map. "So. Yup. How does everyone feel about mapping our route first?"

"What a cheap way out, Jimin," Jungkook scoffed, grabbing a corner of the map with his hand. "I say we jump right in and see where we end up."

"I feel like that's gonna put us in there for a lot longer than we should be," I laughed, "and I kind of feel like Yoongi has a plan."

The mentioned brother shrugged. "I just have good directional inferences."

"Alright, then," Namjoon said, "We could always... split into teams."

"And make it into a competition? Oh boy..." I sighed.

"Sounds fun," Jungkook agreed. "Team plan-it-out and team figure-it-out-as-we-go. Sounds good."

I sighed. "Alright, then if you insist, I'm going with whoever thinks through it first. I don't feel like being stuck in there for a few hours."

"I've never been in there for more than, like, two," Taehyung said, "but I feel like taking the risk today, though."

"Okay, then Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin? You're all with me at least?" I asked.

"Totally. Namjoon, Jin, Tae, Kook?" To Taehyung's survey, the members nodded and split into the groups.

"Hey, this would be a great time for a Run episode," Jin laughed, but then dismissed the idea with his hand. "But we'll probably enjoy the time without a camera."

"For sure," I agreed. "Alright, should we go?"

With nods all around and a map in the hand of one member from each team, the two groups headed into the corn maze, suddenly being engulfed by the towering stalks of corn from every side. As we traveled a little through the maze, Yoongi's head stayed turned downwards as he dragged a red pen through the paper to plan our route.

"Hm?" he hummed, before stopping in the middle of an intersection. The other group continued on, straight forward. I waved to Taehyung as they left.

"What?" I turned and asked my brother, taking a look at the paper.

"Well, here, there's some of the maze... missing. And I kinda feel like that's the part of the map we need to plan out. Like, I think we'll have to go that way."

"Then we can get to that area, and then go from there. Once we're back on the map, we can plan."

"But there's several ways we could come out of that part," he reasoned.

"We can see when we get there. If you're mostly sure that's where we need to be headed, let's go."

"But I'm not. I'm not positive going that way will get us anywhere near the end, with that... very lovely plot hole."

I laughed. "Lovely indeed. Well, as I said, I was thinking we should just keep going and see where that gets us. What do you think?"

He surveyed Hoseok and Jimin's ideas, and their agreement allowed us to continue.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now