Chapter 40

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When I was younger, I didn't think black was a sad color to wear, even if you were going to a funeral, where supposedly you'd be sad.

As the oldest at the orphanage for a while, I'd been the one to join Aecha in some of her family passings, and the occasional child she used to care for.

This was the first time I'd personally felt black suited the mood.

The whole afternoon, I'd kept my eyes low on the wooden casket and rows of flowers set up along it. The people there included some friends from school, but none of the lunch buddies I'd seen sit with Jiho specifically. A few teachers, coworkers, and finally his brother, and sister.

It was painful to finally see Minie again. I wasn't sure if I could talk to her or not, since she, of all people, would know the dirty little details. I felt close enough to her, that if I had wanted to, I could ask about it. At the same time, I didn't think either of us could handle it, if I were to bring it up. Now wasn't the time.

The brother, on the other hand, was cleaned up nicely. He had dyed his hair black, as Minie had done, and it was the first time I'd gotten a clear sight of him. He had no mask, sunglasses, or baseball cap to hide his face. He looked like a normal college-aged student, though I knew he didn't attend college and worked. His eyes were hard, but that was the only thing that was much different from Minie's small facial features. He didn't look like Jiho, which was surprising, but not a bad thing.

I wasn't very surprised that I couldn't see Jiho's father anywhere, because I'd heard of the situation at home. It was almost shocking even to see his brother there.

For the majority of the ceremony, I zoned out. All seven of the boys attended with me, because they knew how much the events affected me, and didn't want me to go alone anyways. It wasn't abnormal to see Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin catch up with some of their old or current highschool friends while we were there, either.

Across the spongy and soaking grass, there was the band. Their heads were reverently bowed as their hands clasped together in front of them as they stood before the wooden case holding their bandmate. Daehyun and Seojin were there, holding onto each other's arms, standing with what seemed to be their other bandmates near the front. But Suho wasn't there, even despite the attendance of his brother.

As rain pelted our umbrellas, giving the nice ambient sound that I usually loved, the priest droned on about the beautiful life that was lost. It was an understatement.

And then they went on to explain what happened, except no one else seemed to know more than I did, which annoyed me. No one said the word, but it floated around in my head, bouncing off the walls, wanting to escape and fill everyone's heads for itself.

Suicide. That word meant nothing to me until I could get the details. It meant the same thing as car crash, boating accident, overdose. It meant nothing other than my favorite person is gone.

I'd been very careful not to talk to anyone. There was too much going on in my head, a whole sentence would be too hard of a task to complete.

When finally the casket was lowered into the ground, I stared ahead and didn't let my eyes focus on anything. I let my brain freeze, take a quick pause. I'd hit play again when it was safer to do so.

It was also easier to settle my attention on the rain. I loved the rain.

The rest of the service dragged on, and once it was over, Jungkook and Jimin went to chat with the bandmates. Daehyun was just another person on my list that I couldn't talk to, so I stayed put, next to my other brothers.

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