Chapter 17

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Jiho started off at a faster pace as we walked along the subway station, and I followed him. He pulled me closer as we walked, and by following right behind him, no one was in my way anymore.

As we approached Sejin, I hid our interlocked hands behind my sweater, but against my attempt, my uncle still saw. He gave it a quick glance, and then smiled slightly. His look was one of askance, but also satisfaction. I knew he wouldn't make a big deal of it now, but he'd talk to me about it later.

Through the glass doors of the station, we could see that the train was slowing down and preparing to let us on. Once the glass doors slid open, Sejin motioned for us to follow him inside.

There were rows of single red seats along either side of the cart, which were about halfway occupied by people. We took a seat at the end of the cart on the side of the doors we'd entered, while Sejin took the other side. We settled in since it wasn't going to be a quick ride.

Sejin's concentration was held on his computer, so Jiho took the opportunity to wrap his right arm around me. We scrolled through his Instagram for a while. He had a line of funny posts, from cats being scared of cucumbers to idols falling on stage on purpose- and the occasional video of BTS.

"You've been doing your research," I said as a video of Jimin played. It was him sliding to the floor while trying to do the choreography, and failing to move at the right time with the rest of the members.

"All for you."

I tensed, and then leaned upright in the seat, out of his embrace. "Jiho..." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Are you..."

"I'm sorry." His eyes seemed to soften, but widened as well as if they became a layer or two thicker of crystal surrounding his beautiful iris. "Did that make you uncomfortable?"

"No, it's just that you..." I searched for the right words, and looked around the train cart as if the answer was hiding somewhere in sight. "You seem intrigued, in, well, me."

"D-Did I go too far?" He pulled his hand back to himself. "I apologise."

"Well I just want to know... What it's all about." At the moment, I was honestly scared he was just intrigued by me. But, the thought made me shiver and I wasn't comfortable with it. After a second, though, I remembered how much I liked him. Or, I at least thought he was... handsome. As soon as I realized that, I remembered that I wouldn't want to shoot him off so fast. "I-I mean, I'm sorry, I don't know what-"

"It's okay." His worried face turned into a pleasured one. "We can talk about that. Tonight."

"When w-we get home?"

He nodded. I gave Sejin a glance, as if I feared he was listening in, but he seemed just as concerned in his work as ever.

"O-Okay." I could feel him looking at me, watching me intently as I looked to my hands. I felt like I could sense him smile, and then after a moment, he resumed the video he was playing on his phone. I watched from my own space in my seat, but after a few minutes I was getting tired. I cautiously laid my head on his shoulder, or at least the side of it, since he was so tall. After a little, I closed my eyes and let Jiho wrap his arms around me once again.

"No no no, don't tickle me there. Anywhere but there!"

He threw his head back and laughed. "Scaredy cat."

"Oh, I promise I'm not a scaredy cat." I put my hands out, as if I were ready to attack him back as we kept walking towards Sejin's apartment.

"Come on," he said, tilting his head to the side as Hoseok commonly did. He creeped closer to me with his hands out as well. "Show me you're not afraid."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now