Chapter 22

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The beginning might be a little slow but I promise it gets better. This is a "fun" chapter. Aha ha. *Nervous laughter*

Namjoon never did talk to me again about the situation on Saturday morning. I spent the majority of Sunday in my room reading, drawing, and practicing dance. Hoseok stopped by when he heard the music and asked if I wanted to go to the studio with him. I said yes and he told me he'd take me out for dinner afterwards.

The other members protested, because they thought it was unfair that only Hoseok got to spend time with me that evening since I'd be returning to Sejin's the next day. Namjoon pointed out that I would have spent the rest of the day alone in my room anyways, so it wasn't going to make much of a difference. I tried to tell myself I wasn't thankful for him saying that.

The members didn't argue after that.

Jungkook came with us, and after I'd selected both an outfit for exercise and one for eating out, we left in the company Sedan. Jungkook drove. I actually didn't mind, since he was careful and driving seemed to be one thing he was cautious about.

When we arrived, we all raced to the dance room. I was ready to start but Jungkook reminded me we needed to stretch and warm up.

[Feel free to start the audio above]

Jungkook and I followed Hoseok's lead as we stretched. When we were in the studio, Hoseok really had his ways. He was silently labeled as the dominant one in the room and it was captivating. It was impossible not to follow him. You could feel his passion and how his soul had grown up loving dance, the beautiful art that had carried him through a lot of his life.

After a few minutes of pulling our limbs as far as they could reach in every way possible, we started warming up. Hoseok started some more upbeat r&b music and led us in a series of simple movements.

We were bopping up and down, moving our hands the opposite direction our bodies were. The music seemed to seep through my ears and down my body, into my bloodstream and pumped through my heart. I felt it, I really felt it. And it was moving me itself.

The beat was so sweet, and relaxing. In a way, it made me want to move more.

Hoseok closed his eyes, moving slowly, but with the beat. When I looked at Jungkook, he too seemed to be in his own world. I took a deep breath, and then started moving on my own. Swiveling on my feet, letting my arms flow by themself, all while staying in time with the beat.

I let my feet loose, skipping and hopping smoothly one the floor. My white sneakers were squeaking every other second, and my legs were moving every which way. Hoseok's eyes opened and landed on me, and a small smile formed on his face.

I broke out of the same moves I'd been doing for the last few minutes and started something new. As I watched myself in the mirror in front of us, I was a little embarrassed. I couldn't tell how neat my moves were. But it was okay. We were dancing and feeling the music in our own ways. It gave me such a sense of feeling.

With the studio lights beating down on us and the glassy mirror in front, I could see Hoseok and Jungkook's smiles as the song came to an end. With puffing breaths, our hands went to our hips and Hoseok went to change the music.

"Nice warm up," he said.

"Warm up?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "That was, like, a work out."

"Eh," he tilted his head to the side, grabbing his phone and going through songs to sample them.

He decided on a song, and then started moving again.

"Freestyle," he said, moving in robot-like motions. This was a classic for Hoseok. "I was a street dancer," he said, moving his body in machine-like ways. It was impressive. "Before I was a trainee, dance was my life. And it still is. That's how I got into Bangtan."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now