Chapter 27

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 The cold outside air did feel good, but I was still scared.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jiho asked, wrapping an arm over my shoulders. I really, really didn't know whether I needed to get him involved in the drama with our 'stalker', and everything else I'd been hiding with the boys. I was still panicking, though, so I decided to tell him.

"This keeps happening, I don't know why it keeps happening but it does, and I don't know what to do-"

He pulled me into a hug, letting me breath in his warm and fresh smell. Lemons. Being much taller than me, his hug seemed to engulf my whole body.

"What's happening, Sujin? You can tell me, you know? I'm here to help you, it's okay."

I hugged him tighter, and then let go. I took a few shaky breaths, and then briefly explained who I'd just seen, or at least who I thought I saw. I told him about the last encounter with the boys, and how this had been going on starting at the dorm for a while. He listened intently the whole time, and when I was done, he nodded.

"I didn't see anyone out of the ordinary, Sujin, and I'm sure if the boys didn't that night either, then it's nothing to be worried about."

"You think there's something wrong with me?"

"No, I don't, 'Jinnie. I'm not sure what's going on but I'm really sorry. I think everything's okay, and there's no need for you to get all worked up over it."

I felt embarrassed, really embarrassed. My cheeks flushed, and he must have noticed.

"But it's okay! I think we'll figure things out soon, and I can help you." He grabbed my hands again. "In the meantime, I'm here. I can go inside and make sure there's nothing out of the ordinary going on, and if you want, we can leave and head to the cafe. Like I said, it'll be closed so we can make sure no one else comes in."

"Right, thank you," I said, trying to slow my still racing heart. "I want to call the boys."

He furrowed his brows. "There's no need to, I promise, it's okay."

I shook my head, hoping tears wouldn't form. "I want to."

"It's okay, really, Sujin."

I bit my lip. I would have felt so much better to call them, but Jiho didn't want me to. So I nodded. "Okay. I'll wait out here."

"I'll send the staff to come wait with you, then. I'll pay and package up our food. Okay?"

"Mm hm."

"Okay." He looked at me once more, and then left.

A moment later the staff arrived, but he stayed quiet.

"I'm paying you double," I told him. He chuckled, but didn't say anything else.

After a moment, I told him to wait and that I'd be back with Jiho in a moment. I went inside, glancing around the restaurant once before noticing the man wasn't sitting there anymore. The only emotion I could sum up was more embarrassment.

Jiho was at the table where he was cleaning up and paying, and I told him I was going to the bathroom. All the stalls were empty when I got there, so I pulled out my phone. With shaky hands, I dialed the first of the boy's numbers I could find. Jin.

"How's it going?" he asked as soon as he picked up, which was after two rings.

"I don't know."

"I swear, if that boy did something-"

"No, it was me."

There was silence for a few moments. "What did you do?"

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now