Chapter 49

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A/N: Fair warning, some heavy topics come up and come into play in this chapter. Please do not continue reading if you might be sensitive to any of the subjects such as suicide, attempts, and physical abuse. Kai or I would be happy to give you a noninclusive summary of this chapter if you would like, or a filtered version if that makes you more comfortable. I want to be sure everyone has the same secure rights and experience reading my story. Love you all, enjoy!

Jungkook was silent for a moment as we laid there, facing each other under the covers of Jin's bed. "I understand how hard that might be, knowing Jiho ended it himself, but Sinae would have kept going if it was her choice. Someone stole her slice of cake, she didn't eat it herself. Look, Sujin, the past doesn't concern my present, not anymore. Both of our friends are gone, there's nothing we can do about that. What we can control is how it affects us."

...That's how...

I nodded. "I know what you're saying, but not enough time has passed."

"You're right. But until it does, have faith. Hope. Okay, Sujinnie?"

I crawled closer, so his arm could wrap around my small body and I was encased by warmth. "I can do that. I can hope."

My dreams were harsh that whole night. Every single one revolved around Jiho. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but every time, I felt his pain was being caused by me. It drove the pit in my stomach crazy, and twisted the knife that was still in my heart.

...To answer your question, they found his car 50 ft below the Han river. That's how...

I woke up a few times from the feeling of being shaken, but when my eyes fluttered open, both boys were asleep.

After about the third time, I was able to notice Jin's hand softly falling off my side as soon as I calmed down and was awake from his half-asleep attempts to wake me up.

Strike two.

In the morning, I thought I'd take up some of Jungkook's words and start hoping. Before I even opened my eyes, I hoped the day ahead would be better. Anything would be better than the alternate world I had been in when I was dreaming.

Sadly, instead of my newfound hope, the morning started with some running down the halls that woke Jin and I. Jungkook wasn't there when I got up, and I assumed it was because of his occasional productive morning routine that I could catch him doing every so often. I thanked Jin for letting me crash with him that night, before heading to my room with the intentions to get washed up. Before I could grasp my door's handle, though, Taehyung's hand grabbed mine, and he pulled me down the stairs.

"Namjoon hyung and Sejin have news," he said hurriedly as we rushed down the stairs. Immediately thinking it was going to be an update on SOPA, I was curious, but also slightly dreading the conversation.

When we got downstairs, everyone was there except Jin and Hoseok. Jimin and Yoongi had spots on the couch, while Namjoon and Jungkook were in the kitchen. The second Taehyung and I were in clear sight, Namjoon spoke.

"The cameras caught Minie's brother around here, again last night. He was trying to get inside. Really, trying. Some footage even suggested... he was armed." He shook his head. "I don't know, I'm not sure. Sejin's figuring out what he wants us to do."

Strike three.

The members decided we couldn't wait, so some of them started packing bags in case we needed to leave the dorms to go to a safer place. Silent panic settled inside the dorm as everyone thought about the news to themself.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now