Chapter 44

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I was feeling better enough after going to the pumpkin patch and seeing Jiho's music video on a billboard, that the name Minie Moon didn't look as rude when it showed up on my phone. It even took a few seconds for the words, "I think you should come over" to plant a sour seed of feeling into my heart. I guess it was a good thing, while it lasted.

So as Jungkook walked with me down the street to Jiho's house, it was the first time my heart was starting to speed up in a while. We neared the front door. This house had meant so much to be, previously. It still did, honestly, it just stung a little. But a little less than before.

Right before my knuckles could rap on the front door, Jungkook's hand stopped mine, wrapping warmly around my fingers and pulling them back. I turned around, watching his careful eyes that studied my face.

"I know you and Minie are close, and I also know you're doing better about Jiho, but I just don't feel good about this yet. I'm gonna wait out here, cuz I know you might want privacy, but you can come get me any time, you know that right?"

"Yeah, Jungkook. I'm..." I stopped, thinking through whether I could explain this without sounding defensive, "not a child anymore."

"Okay." He swallowed and nodded, releasing his hand from mine and taking a step back. "I know. Then I hope whatever you talk about, or learn, will... help you."

"Thank you, Kook. I hope it will, too."


With a final nod from my brother, I stepped forward and knocked.

After a few heartbeats, the door's lock clicked from the inside and slowly, the door with chipped white paint opened. Minie looked down as soon as she saw me. "Ah, Sujin, come in."

She moved to the side of the hall, and I entered.

"Is your brother coming inside?" she asked, looking at Jungkook.

I shook my head, "No, he'll wait for us."


"You sounded like we might want to go somewhere else to talk, though? There's that park a little ways away, or the cafe- a cafe. There's plenty of cafes to choose from."

"No, we won't want to be in public when we read this."

"Oh." I nodded, trying to swallow without choking myself on the new disruption in my throat. "That's okay."

After the door was closed behind me, she led us down the hall. When you first entered the house, to the right of you was a big family room, though not the tidiest I'd seen- Not that I was going to judge them. I'd previously known of the family situation, plus the recent events were not a recipe for staying organized.

At about the middle of the hallway, there was an entrance to the left opening to a room. It was piled from the floor to my waist with files, books, newspapers, and boxes. The window at the far end of the room was covered by a dark blanket, enough that you could see throughout the room, but with an eerie glow to it.

She sat on an old loveseat, and motioned for me to take the small couch opposite of it. "I don't feel like stalling, as I'd like to do, but we need to just get to it." She reached over and grabbed something from the top of a pile at the end of the loveseat. It was folded over in her hands a few times before she gave it to me, but I didn't even need to hear her say what it was before I knew.

"How much have you read?" she asked me slowly.

"I.. don't know." I was quiet for a moment, trying to think of what I did know, and what I should let her know. "I saw... why he did it."

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now