Chapter 23

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My hand was slammed against the seat in front of me, and I could only see Jungkook's wide eyes as he leaned over the wheel. All three of our heads watched as a person in head to toe black sprinted in front of the car, having been just barely missed by us. He had a black snapback, black mask with white design I didn't recognize, and boots.

"That was so stupid," Hoseok said, leaning back in his seat. A driver behind us honked, and Jungkook hurried to get the car moving.

"I didn't see them, they just sprinted the whole way. Do you think I would have hit him, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"It would have been pretty darn close, but I'm not positive. Sujin, you're quiet. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but why do we keep running into..." I stopped. It was just too weird.


"I don't know, just, people all dressed in black, doing stupid things?"

Hoseok sighed, "Hopefully we'll find that out sometime soon, 'cuz I have no clue."

I took a deep breath as we pulled up to a line of restaurants and parked the car. The road where the person ran in front of us was just down a little ways, and as we got out, I tried to look back to see who it was and where they were headed in such a hurry. To my dismay, I couldn't see them anywhere.

Hoseok and Jungkook joined me, and they asked where I wanted to eat. I told them I was fine with anything, so the decision landed on Jungkook who chose Thai, the same restaurant we'd gone to with Aecha a few months back.

We entered the restaurant to be greeted by a waiter and taken to our seats. Sitting down in a booth with Jungkook and I facing the entrance side and Hoseok in the other seat, we ordered quickly.

Hoseok put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. "Ahh, Jiminie's been doing better."

"Hyung has?" Jungkook asked, looking up from his phone. "With the... eating?"

"Mm hm."

"You guys talked to manager about it a while back, right?"

"After the whole... incident blew over," Hoseok waved a hand in the air. "I mean, surely you've noticed?"

"I have. He eats at dinner now."

"Mm hm. Eating here just reminded me of it."

Jungkook nodded. "A sure lot has happened since we were last here."


We got out food and ate, enjoying the calm background music and sounds of other people chatting and eating. It was really nice to just eat and chill with Hoseok and Jungkook. While we ate, Hoseok shared a little bit about how him and Yoongi were working on making music while Jungkook told us about how school was going for him. I was enjoying the time so much, I almost forgot I had school myself the next day.

A sinking feeling replaced the warm one, when someone entered the restaurant that made my heart drop. It was the person in all back, and I was mostly sure it was the one we'd almost hit while driving here. He still had on the baseball cap and mask, but he raised his head enough for me to see my eyes. They looked straight at me, making my heart pound and beat faster every second. Then, he winked. I knew it was at me.

I tried to gasp, but had a mouthful of food and ended up choking on it. I coughed furiously as Hoseok and Jungkook gave me surprised looks. Jungkook gave me a few pats on the back as I coughed, my throat stinging more and more as I reached for my glass of water. But mixed with the blocked and gaggy feeling in my throat, plus the nausea settling in from the nervousness of seeing the man suddenly, I knew more food was going to come up. Desperately needing to get out of the booth and to the nearest restroom, I had no time to ask Jungkook to move. His eyes widened as I threw myself on top and over his lap, being freed from the booth and sprinting to the bathroom.

Forever, We Are Together // BTS Adopted Book 2 ✅Where stories live. Discover now