Chapter 19

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Things are about to go down. I cried several times writing this chapter. Feel free to do that yourself. I hope dearly that you like it :) -Rose

Later that night, I sighed as I put a UV light down and took a good look at the project. I still wasn't sure if I should paint the coffee table I'd assembled.

I knew Namjoon had been theming his studio with wood works of all sorts, so I was determined to make sure I could give him something personal that he'd appreciate. Since I wanted it to be more unique, I'd pasted some pictures of the boys and I on the top, and put resin over to seal it.

Namjoon was gone now, preparing for his job as an announcer for one of the shows the boys were performing on in October, so everyone was home while he was away. I had just finished painting Jungkook's mug for his present, since his birthday was next Thursday, but I really needed to get Namjoon's done while he was gone. It would be too hard to hide any other way.

I set down the brush I'd been using to level the resin out and unplugged the UV lamp. My hands were covered in the thick liquid, so I tried to brush the hair falling into my face away with my palm instead.

With a nod of approval to myself, I cleaned up some of my materials I'd been using that night for the two projects, before heading to the bathroom to clean up. I worked with hand soap and my towels, because I didn't want to leave my room in fear of waking the boys. I knew it was late, and they'd be asleep, but I wasn't particularly eager to explain to them how long I'd been working. They had to get up the next morning by six for an early performance, and I was planning on coming with them. They had an interview and second performance that day. If I missed getting up in time for the first event, I'd be able to sleep in and have them pick me up on their way to the next venue. By their suggestion, I was supposed to be in bed by ten.

After my hands were clean, I grabbed my phone from my bed to check the time. Thinking it was maybe twelve, I was nervous to see how much time I'd spent awake from their advice. But when I turned the screen on and saw only a single two, I pursed my lips, suddenly disappointed in myself. I had to be up in four hours if I wanted to come to the first show.

I tossed my phone a little harshly onto the bedside table, and then hurried to get some sweats on. I knew then that I wouldn't be able to make it to the first schedule. When I hopped in bed finally, I turned off my phone's alarm that had been previously set for six. There was no way I was getting up that early anymore. The boys knew I'd set it, so if I didn't show up in the morning they'd probably realize I'd decided not to come. They'd just have to pick me up on the way to the next venue, which they had earlier said wouldn't be a problem since the house was in between the two.

As I tried to fall asleep, I became uneasy, as if things wouldn't work out so well in the morning. But I remembered the boy's offer if I didn't want to wake up so early, so I just hoped they'd realize that's what I'd decided.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I finally fell asleep, but there was one thing I was sure of; I was woken up quickly after I fell asleep.

"We have to be there in half an hour! It takes most of that time to drive there!" I heard someone shout. "Why is Sujin taking so long to get ready? Did you ask her?"

Voices were outside of my door, but I wasn't sure exactly who they were saying yet.

"Oh, hyung, I didn't check in with her yet."

"Did Taehyung?"

There was a pause. "No."

"Then who did?"


My door opened, startling me.


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