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"(Y/N), we're here," Owen said as he pulled past the gates and into the massive driveway. (Y/N) had only been to the house a few times during holidays but it never fails to take their breath away. The house was made of red brick, covered with white columns and white trimming and the grandest balconies and windows you have ever seen, it almost looks like a manor you would see in a romance story. There were flowers and flawless landscaping, it was truly a wonder to (Y/N) that people could actually live like this. (Y/N)'s parents were very comfortable financially but they could never have lived in a place like this and still put (Y/N) through school.

(Y/N)'s jaw hung open, their mind racing trying to figure out how much this place must cost them while Owen glanced at them and laughed "Yeah, I never get used to it either. But when they tell you investing in real estate is a good idea, they really do mean it." he said, unclipping his seatbelt.

"I get to live here," (Y/N) asked in disbelief "seriously?"

"Seriously." Owen replied, a smug grin on his face "Come on, we have to get you moved in and settled.

"I seriously might get lost" (Y/N) joked

"Don't worry, they made you a map," Owen said as if it was the most normal thing in the world as he swung out of the truck to guide house staff on where things go "(Y/N), go inside and say hi to Papi and Mimi, they should be eating breakfast in the dining room," Owen said, waving (Y/N) off to go on their adventure.

(Y/N) blinked in surprise, kind of sad that they wasn't allowed to help unpack, but they went on their merry way regardless. (Y/N) entered the house and forced themselves to keep walking, "You can admire everything later," (Y/N) whispered to nobody in particular as they finally made it to the dining room, knocking on the door.

"Come in," A warm and gravelly voice called from behind the door, presumably Papi.

(Y/N) opened the door and was greeted with the scent of a very delicious breakfast, along with the smiling faces of (Y/N)'s grandparents. They were both in their fifties but looked much younger than they were, they always took fitness and skincare seriously and it really paid off. Papi got up from the table, spreading his arms wide "Welcome to your new home, (Y/N). Your parents would be ecstatic that you're staying with us." he said, giving (Y/N) a warm and comforting hug, practically attempting to squeeze the sad out.

As (Y/N) was having their breathing lovingly restricted, their grandmother happily joined the hug "We missed you, kiddo. I'm sure you'll adjust just fine. But we can call in a therapist if you need one, just say the word." Mimi said, her warm auburn hair bouncing as enthusiastically as the woman playfully wiggled while hugging her grandkid.

(Y/N) smiled "I'm sure that won't be necessary, but thank you. I'm sorry I have to impose on you all like this." They replied, dipping their head slightly in apology.

Papi and Mimi looked at each other, blinking silently for a moment before bursting into laughter "Oh dearest you could never impose on us, you're family." Mimi said before giving (Y/N) another hug.

Papi nodded "Please, come eat breakfast with us while we explain a little bit about how our schedules are, the rundown of the place, and the staff at your disposal before we get into the more pressing matters," he said, gesturing to another chair for (Y/N) to sit in.

As (Y/N)'s whirlwind of an entrance into a whole new life began, Luka was slouched in front of his desk, staring at his notebook with scribbled notes and lyrics, his guitar sitting next to him resting on the amplifier her kept for his electric one. He slammed his head against his desk in frustration, followed by a groan of the same distaste for lack of creative results.

"I have never struggled with expressing feelings with music. What is going on?" He muttered as he death glared at the notebook sat in front of him "I know this Marinette thing has got me messed up, but I didn't think it would be this bad."

The more he stared, the more aware he became of everything but his music. He felt the gentle rock of the boat, he noticed the streams of sun pour in from his window like individual pain streaks, he was able to smell the pleasant scent of street food being sold nearby, and he could hear Juleka and Rose talking on the deck about the next concert. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear his thoughts of all things Marinette for the time being "Luka, you can do this. Just imagine anything else."

Eventually, this began to work, and his new song was coming together. He wanted to write it about how he felt about the Marinette situation, but never about being mad at her. It wasn't her fault she didn't love him it was just the way it played out. He had to muffle some thoughts about Marinette to write a song that actually sounded good enough to play. He played out a few chords on his guitar when Juleka walked in.

"Luka," Juleka said as she stepped in "Do you think you could have that song done by the concert next Saturday? We're short a song for the setlist."

Luka nodded "Yeah, this should be done by then."

Juleka smiled, nodding happily, her ears and other chains jingling happily with her "Cool, Mom's ordering pizza by the way."

Luka smiled "Okay," he replied quickly before turning back to his desk to keep working on his new song.

Juleka smirked "Who knows, you might meet a cute new girl at the concert," she said teasingly before walking back to the deck

"Doesn't have to be a girl, Juleka.." Luka muttered, initially angered by the idea of meeting someone new so quickly. However, the more he let himself consider it as he worked, the more hopeful he was it would actually happen. He found himself daydreaming as he tapped his pencil against his paper, seeing someone new at the concert and meeting them after. They would laugh and suddenly everything with Marinette wouldn't hurt so bad. He scrapped his song about Marinette and held onto this strange new feeling of hope.

"It should be okay to let myself get my hopes up this one time, right?" He whispered to himself as the song comes together almost effortlessly, slamming down lyrics and other instrument accompaniments for the rest of the band as if it was second nature. He all but scarfed down his dinner to get back to work on the music, seeing that much enthusiasm after everything brought a warm smile to Juleka's face as he rushed below deck.

"Good luck, big bro."

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